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About Infinite

  • Birthday 12/08/1995

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  • Interests
    Favorite Video Games:<br />Halo 3<br />Modern Warfare 1 & 2 ( I get sooo competitive here)<br />Poke'mon<br />Bioshock 1 & 2 (scary when alone + night time)<br />Bleach<br />Naruto<br />Batman Arkham Asylum<br />Ratchet & Clank: Future Series<br />Assassin's Creed 1& 2<br />Mario & Luigi-based games<br />many others that I forgot<br />Favorite Movies of the Month(although usually from the previous 2 months - now):Currently, no good movie has gotten to me (in other words, no good movies have come out, at least to me)<br />I'm on Xbox Live the majority of the time, send me a message at R1ck77 (who knows, I might have owned you or had a fight with you)<br />Favorite Bands: The Devil Wears Prada<br />As I Lay Dying<br />Bring me the Horizon<br />August Burns Red<br />Dead by April (little-known band from Europe, have albums, but not on iTunes)<br />All That Remains<br />Rise Against<br />System of A Down<br />Scars on Broadway<br />Sick Puppies (cause they're sick!)<br />Avenged Sevenfold<br />Bullet for My Valentine<br />Dethklok (they're funny, but the music is good at the same time)<br />Mastodon<br />A.F.I.<br />-Will update when thinking straight-

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  • LEGO.com Account

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Inhabitant (2/293)

  1. Yep, pretty cool pic I found... somewhere.

  2. Does that mean Kenpachi Fried Chicken? xD

    Had to ask. =P

  3. I want 3 Gypsum. MLN Name: phantoka007. 45 clicks should be ready by tomorrow. ~ToMJ~
  4. Weird. I didn't even unsuscribe. I just went to my topics and it wasn't there for some reason.

  5. Why did you delete your library?

  6. I want to take on the Sunny Day Region first. ToaofManetismJovan Friend Code: 1805 1273 6809 ~ToMJ~
  7. Infinite

    Mata Nui Revealed

    Well, remember the point that the Pit isn't in exactly another Great Being, but right outside one, so » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Bara Magna might as well be just a region bigger than Mata Nui ( the recntly deceased island )so that all the tribes can fit. Or it can just be a place of many great beings, seeing as the » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «set named Tuma has the name of one of the Maori deities. It can also be inside a great being, but we don't know which, and because of that, all the other information that came with Mata Nui. By the way, what do you mean by the letters in bold in your post which I have no idea what they could mean. Not being sarcastic. ~ToMJ~
  8. Don't fall for it! He isn't a girl! By the way, why don't you put some satire in some of your comedys? >=)

  9. So you changed your user name to a femenine version of its former self? Whoa. Now that is what I call comedy.

  10. Infinite

    Done With Bzp

    Well, can't force you to stay, but always check back on us. I will miss you, Shilo.
  11. Infinite


    Well, I certainly can't wait like many others for the book.
  12. Save the cheerleader, you save the Iternet Seriously, we need to stop going to B-shelf. Making things bankrupt and close to save the mystic feeling FTW!
  13. Infinite

    Pets In Signatures

    Uh.... I don't think I should be here.... ( hurry up with my banner Icy J my drago can't hold off all these people). But your right. I saw this guy with like every sig pet except dragon eggs, poke'mon and a few others.
  14. Lol. REVEAL THE SECRETS SOONER! LIKE NOW, PLEASE. You know, when I grow up, I'll look back at this and think all of this was a waste. But then I'll look at the set I'm designing with others and think,"Nah." I really love this Series of awesome-o more-than-life action figures that I "collect" and "check" their awesomeness with hand to hand combat all over my house. P.S. If anyone understands what I said, say so in your post. 2nd P.S. Could anyone say what the Codrex is? Or is it still under spoiler policy?
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