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was boring. And pointless. As usual.


In other words, I can't wait for summer vacation.


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Yeah, well do you have a geometry teacher who, instead of listing rules on the first day, went on and on about how hard honors classes are? :drooling:

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Yeah, well do you have a geometry teacher who, instead of listing rules on the first day, went on and on about how hard honors classes are? :drooling:
They're not hard if you put in the effort, don't worry. :P


... for the most part.

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Yeah, well do you have a geometry teacher who, instead of listing rules on the first day, went on and on about how hard honors classes are? :drooling:

That's what my math teacher did, and I have him for two honors classes (precalc and stat). And on top of that he is the head of the math department, so he was very much enthusiastic (sp?) about the whole deal. In short: "Math is Life."


I had a dandy time during my first day of school as well, I'm not that happy about the homework, but oh well.

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Phyree is home skooled?


Try not to think of school as pointless. More like, a place to store children so that their parents can party. See? It has a purpose.

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Yeah, well do you have a geometry teacher who, instead of listing rules on the first day, went on and on about how hard honors classes are? :drooling:

No, but he has a nickel named Phillip. =P


I should've been in Algebra II, but apparently a 79.3% isn't good enough for them >>

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Hmm. Well lemme see. At my school, for your Freshman year (9th grade), the Honors mathematics class is Geometry, and the regular class is Algebra I. The Honors class for your Sophomore year (10th) is Algebra II. And we're both in 9th grade. :shrugs: Different schools, different schedules.

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Oh, how I have sympathy for you all... School ends in two weeks :) And it ain't boring. All ya need is a supply of spitballs, spitball shooter, pen cartriges, and a pen gun. :)

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I'm going to School next week...


I regret taking Band instead of Art,

And going to school every day.

And I just found out my locker is almost impossible to open. :mellow:


Yes, even when I enter the combination.






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i gose to school in... one hour??? o noes!!!!!!!!!!!



you need a decoder



:s::P::i::t::t::y: :o::w::n::s: :y::o::u:




Oh, and I'm bringing some of BZP to school :tohu:

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