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New Banner And Avatar Wanted



Answer these questions on what you think my new banner and avatar should look like:


1) What general colour should they each be based on?


2) What Bionicle character should they each be based on?


3) Should either of them have text and if so, what?


4) Any fancy effects that should be used?


5) Should I give up and get someone competent to make me one? :P


Recommended Comments

1) Grey.

2) Vezon. Lots of Vezons.

3) Something like "I'm Vezon. Sometimes there are lots of me!"

4) Just something to make it clean, I guess.

5) I believe you can do it yourself =3

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1) What general colour should they each be based on?

2) What Bionicle character should they each be based on?

3) Should either of them have text and if so, what?

4) Any fancy effects that should be used?

5) Should I give up and get someone competent to make me one?


1. -

2. -

3. -

4. Yes.

5. YES ^ 10000000000.

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