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Gears Of War 2

Kevin Owens



Recently Cliff Bleszinski, lead designer for Gears of War, had a press release on a gaming site I can't link to because of the rules. He talked about new stuff coming to Gears of War 2. Here's the full article.

Hey guys. Cliff Blezinski here with an update for you all on the new Gears of War. It's after E3, and while other companies are spent, we just keep the fun coming. Here's what to expect from Gears of War 2.

-Half-way through the game you'll be able to upgrade your Lancer to have dual chainsaw bayonette.

-The dual chainsaw bayonette will now be able to tear straight through cover and allow you to deny the Locust any cover.

-The dual chainsaw bayonette will be featured in multi-player.

-We've been talking about a new weapon called the RPC which stands for Rocket Propelled Chainsaw. I'm stoked about it and it will look amazing in game.

-As you take the fight to the Locust, you'll fight them in an underwater toxic waste processing plant. Expect epic fights as you ram chainsaws through their bodies in the beautiful glass tunnels and underwater environments.

-Some of the Locusts have taken after the humans and grafted chainsaws onto their arms. Trust me when I say you don't want to get near these guys!

-We're planning to release a specia limited edition bundle . The bundle version would include Gears of War 2, a three month subscription to Xbox Live, and a limited edition Xbox Live headset in the shape of a dual chainsaw Lancer! It's expected cost will be $89.99 US

-Expect more gore than ever. The stuff will be coming out by the bucket loads. Speaking of which, you'll be able to control the level of gore from the option menu if you're weak of stomach. The four levels are low, medium, high, and chainsaws. On the chainsaw level, you and your opponents bleed chainsaws.

-We're also adding an option of changing yourself, your opponent, and even the world around you into chainsaws!

-Some people complained in the last game that when characters spoke, words would come out their mouth. Now we've changed it so that way whenever somebody speaks we loop the chainsaw soundeffect.

-You'll never guess how you'll be able to kill a Burmak! You'll be using a giant chainsawsawsawsawsawswaswwaswaswaswswawawaasssawssa

I don't know about you guys, but I'm stoked. Gears of War 2 is going to be amazing. I can hardly wait. ^.^


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