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Is Autumn!



Yes, it is.


So it's Labor Day weekend, and specifically, the last day of the three-day weekend. So I should have the sads, but I don't feel much of anything, except an itch to go work on some arts 'n crafts I need to finish before school tomorrow.


I missed an hour of P.E. on Friday (the Friday before last Friday, to be precise) while at the doctor's, so to make up we are given the option of 1) writing a paper on a sport of the teacher's choosing or 2) do an activity in which you achieve your target heart rate for 25 minutes.


I went for option 2, as I am sick to death of papers. My stupid English class has had a paper a night for like, all week.D8 On Saturday, groggy from catching up on z's, my parents dragged me to the high school tennis court to play. We lasted 15 minutes before a couple with a loud toddler showed up, and I didn't think I could stand to hang around, being tired, so we went home. I wanted to pretend as if I'd done 25 minutes of excercise, but no, it wasn't good enough. My dad suggested riding bikes. Last time I rode a bike, I practically hyperventilated. I'm a little out of shape. Here, out of shape means 'a skinny ninny who is nothing but skin and bones and whining.'


So we got on our bikes and took off into the neighborhood. I had to stop and figure out how the Karzahni to change gears several times. We approached a hill. I groaned and begged to turn around. Dad pushed me on. We turned around and pointed our bikes at the bottom of the slope.


And then we pushed off.


My legs were seizing up, feeling as if they were being squeezed by unseen, burning hands, because we had been at it for so long. The handles of my bike bit into my hands. And yet, as the wind rushed up to meet me and the houses zipped by, sweat dripping down my forehead...


I felt completely and gloriously alive.


Every worry about homework and friends was wiped cleanly and painlessly from my mind. I leaned, sending the bicycle into a swooping curve. Outside, I was exhausted and helpless in the hands of gravity. Inside, my heart was laughing.


Never walk the hills; always bike 'em. Take chances. Make mistakes. Ride with the wind.




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Guest kopakanuva13


Wow, that was poetic :'(

With the coming of autmn brings happiness and sorrows...

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I always found biking or running to really help clear my mind, it's always been a great help when stressed.


As a reminder of exersize, don't do marine push ups unless you're prepared. I was sore for over a week. >_O


Boo, I'll miss this three day vacation. =(

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Wow, that was poetic :'(

With the coming of autmn brings happiness and sorrows...


I guess that's cuz I like poems.^^ Thankee!


I always found biking or running to really help clear my mind, it's always been a great help when stressed.


As a reminder of exersize, don't do marine push ups unless you're prepared. I was sore for over a week. >_O


Boo, I'll miss this three day vacation. =(


Me too.;; I actually got almost everything done that I needed to, for once...gosh, sometimes I hate high school.


Marine push ups?0.o Yeah, I definitely shouldn't do those.>>



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I can't even do one push up.


Psh. You think you're out of shape. Maybe for a girl. But I'm very out of shape for a boy. Sure, I like to bike, but I absolutely hate most exercise.


Why on earth would you walk a downhill bike ride? :???: I can see walking UP, but never DOWN!

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I can't even do one push up.


Psh. You think you're out of shape. Maybe for a girl. But I'm very out of shape for a boy. Sure, I like to bike, but I absolutely hate most exercise.


Why on earth would you walk a downhill bike ride? :???: I can see walking UP, but never DOWN!


Um...we didn't walk down the hill, we rode down. Did I make a weird typo?x3 We biked around the neighborhood, came to a hill, biked up, walked more up, then biked down.^^



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I can't even do one push up.


Psh. You think you're out of shape. Maybe for a girl. But I'm very out of shape for a boy. Sure, I like to bike, but I absolutely hate most exercise.


Why on earth would you walk a downhill bike ride? :???: I can see walking UP, but never DOWN!


Um...we didn't walk down the hill, we rode down. Did I make a weird typo?x3 We biked around the neighborhood, came to a hill, biked up, walked more up, then biked down.^^



No, no, at the end you said "never walk down the hill, bike down", or something like that, and I was saying that I didn't know why anyone would even think about walking down.

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