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Save Bionicle Legends 7!

Toa Lhikan Hordika


For those of you who have recently been to the Movies & Books Forum, you may have realized that I made a topic concerning the cut in a BIONICLE chapter book next year. I ask that you support it. There were going to be 4 Chapter books next year, but Scholastic cut one out of the schedule because the BIONICLE novel's sales were going down. The biggest problem with this is that our beloved BZPower member and BIONICLE writer, Greg Farshtey (GregF) was going to have some very interesting things happen in BL7. The Toa Nuva were going to discover that the Bohrok and Bahrag weren't really evil at all and there was going to be a confrontation. On top of that, one of the biggest BIONICLE mysteries was going to be solved: How and what Krana are made from! That is a mystery that has plagued us for years that I'm sure many of us want solved. AND on top of THAT, there was going to be a part where Vezon slams Toa Matoro's head into a wall. Because of Scholastic's cut in a book, this info may never be in print. I'm not bashing Scholastic first of all. Scholastic books were some of the first books I began to read in Pre-School, Kindergarten, and 1st Grade. They make excellent books. What I think they don't realize is that the cut of this book could frustrate some BIONICLE fans and cut their sales further. For those of you who are reading this entry, I ask two things.


1) Go to the topic (titled: Let's Get A New Book!) and send the e-mail (you'll know what I'm talking about when you read it).

2) If you don't already, please start to buy the BIONICLE books so that we can save BL7. They're $5.00 each. It's really not that much.


Please become a part of this, together I know we can make a difference.


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Greg hasn't said yet or no. And since he hasn't posted in it and it hasn't been closed, my guess is that it's OK. If not, Greg will say so (he's not the kind to keep silent) and a Moderator will close it and that hasn't happened so there you go.


- :t::l::h:

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I've sent the email and have been buying all the Bionicle books that I can get my hands on this year (only one of each, of course :P ), so I'm contributing as much as I can. I hope they decide to bring BL7 back. :begging:


~ :a: ~

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