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As The Bell Rings



September 4th, 2008

I cannot believe how busy I've been this week!!

There's so much going on, between school, life, homework, my newfound passion for building; it's just...wow.

Still, I love BZP and I get on more or less every chance I get.

Let's see...I'm going to cover things going on with me in BZPower:

-I have to finish a PBZP model, Anakin Takanon. In order to do so, I am spraypainting one of my dupe Faxons. So, it will take a little longer than most.

-Silver and Gold No More's deadline has been extended to the 20th to give people a chance to make models. Get them in if you'd like to answer! I hope to, in the future, get some sweet prizes...this should give you a hint about the next JBBC, too: one of the prizes will hopefully be a Barraki set!

-More features and a sort of "layout" are being made for my blog. Check out this week's Poll and vote!

Now then, onto my day...

Busy, I can give you that. I started out in Homeroom, which I was very nearly late for; I had to put my trombone (I play :P ) in my locker in the band room. Three minutes to get everything for the next class? IT DOES NOT WORK. And yes, I will complain about that all year, so I advise you either skip over it while reading or get used to it. :lol:

So, almost as soon as I sit down in Homeroom, the bell for the next class rings--Social Studies. I introduce a new pseudonym--this guy gets to be Cookie, and you'll soon find out why.

We watched the Channel 1 News and answered questions on it, then Cookie gave EVERYONE COOKIES!!!


I wound up begging and getting two and a half cookies. I'm kind of his friend, kinda not; I really just got to start talking to him, soo...

The rest of the period was same old, a bunch of work and the threat of "you don't get it done and it's homework" from Ms. Essess. She's a real nice teacher, don't get me wrong, but...well...it's kinda scary having to work knowing that if it's not finished you're tortured by it at home.

Bell rings, Science.

Half of the block was spent listening to a terrible taped recording of some computerized people reading out textbook chapters. Reading the textbook is boring as is; having a monotone voice droning on and on? TORTURE. :(

I spent the time passing notes to my friend--here comes another alias--Jay. He's a cool guy. And yes, I did do the work; I answered all the questions already and the stupid recording was still going, soo...I technically believe I did nothing wrong. :unsure:

We did some graphing activity, then the bell rang. Team Time, where we go back to Homeroom and Mrs. Home gives us an activity to do.

Usually, Team Time is boring, but today we got to go outside and, more or less, do whatever we wanted! I found out that my friends BD and Stekly are on my team, Oceania. How great is that? So I wound up hanging out with BD, Stewy, Steckly, and Zee (yeah, that's a new one).

We went back in and I went to PE.

Today was our first day dressing out...we have a locker room and all that. <_< It didn't wind up that bad; getting changed in front of people isn't so bad. It's not like everything has to come off.

I'm sharing with an EC (Exception Children) kid, so I have to open the locker until he learns the code. If he learns the code; he may not. I don't mind--my brother has autism, and I usually am cool with kids with disorders.

And then lunch. Disaster Period, shall we say?

I realized I didn't have my brown paper bag...I already lost my lunchbox...and I knew I'd left it in my Homeroom at Team Time, so I asked if I could go back and get it. My Gym teacher, Mrs. East, said it was fine, so I went back and saw something that was literally taunting me.

There, in plain view, was my bagged lunch, sitting in the classroom neatly next to my desk.

The door was locked.

I had no time to wait and see if Mrs. Home came back, so I went and bought lunch. We get accounts at our school that store money in them, which is automatically subtracted when we buy. I got a chicken sandwich, Jello, corn, a banana, and fat free strawberry milk. *shudders*

I gobbled down the Jello, sandwich, and banana pretty quickly and didn't even bother eating the corn...school vegetables, as you may or may not know, are disgusting.

Literally just as I was finishing my milk, we had to line up and go back.

We went back to the gym, I got my stuff outta the locker, and went to Band.

We did a lot more work on getting notes and posture right; seventh grade is starter's band in my district. Of course, back in New York, fourth grade was the beginning, so I already know how to play the trombone--but I haven't played since the Fourth of July '07. I could use some brushing up.

The bell rang, and I was off to my least favorite class...Math.

Mr. Mathguy is very strict and very much loves to give homework. It's, like, his hobby or something like that. :P Today was a bunch of review, and I have to do five more problems, since I misread "18-26" as "18-21". But I don't have him until Monday, which is fantastic; yup, I have plenty of time to make it up.

Then Final Bell rang.


My mom works at the school now as a one-to-one EC Teacher Assistant, so I didn't have to worry about missing my bus. I went to some of my friends lockers and talked a bit. Eventually, when almost everyone was gone, I got my stuff out of my locker and went to my mom's room.

We checked one last time for my missing lunchbox, to no avail, and went home.

Busy day, but not as busy as some were this week.

Comments are wubbed. :lol:


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