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Epitome Of The Artwork Forum

Dr. Keerakh


I expected an apple.


10/10 KUTGW also I'm pretty good myself you're almost as good as me though.




EDIT: Typo lol


From Exo (or... I Dare Tohu to Frown At Me, lol).


This was made in jest but accurately depicts a significant portion of posters in Artwork. Exo really nailed it.


What is with all of this egocentric posting?


-Dr. K


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People like themselves? That's my guess.


If you're looking for meaningful criticism about your art, you know, I just wouldn't go looking for it on a forum with kids.

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I'm not. I rarely post any art. It just bugs me how people say a one word compliment about how it's cool and then the other 90% of the post is talking about something they did or how cool they are.


I'm overreacting, but it's always bugged me.


-Dr. K

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Heck, I hate all this egotistical thinking.


It's everywhere. -_-


"Who has the coolest-"


"... Then who has the weirdes-"


"The Funni-"


"But sto-"



I applaud and look up to everyone who doesn't answer it like that. >_>


Then in BBC, some of the people can't just take criticism, even if it is Constructive!

They expect "Cool! 10/10 KUTGW!!!!"


Or whatever silly Numbers that have no backing! D:


We need to do something about this.



[-The Alchemyst-]

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The same comment can be applied to the BBC forum. :uhuh:
I applaud and look up to everyone who doesn't answer it like that without good reason. >_>


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