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The Following Day.



Ah today, much less things happened than yesterday. However I have two tests tomorrow, one on a bunch of explorers in early American History (I really want world history, or some class on mythology however) with questions with where they went, what year, and who they worked for.


Math as well, I'm more confident in my math abilities as I've been doing better in that class.


I am still seperated from all MoCing parts which is really starting to get to me, I miss being able to create my little creations and put them up in places.


A Scar Night RPG may possibly be underway, POSSIBLY not DEFINANTLY.


Alright with that out of the way, I snuck around and got my book back from parent confiscation (Been staying up too late reading recently, and my parental guardian would like it if I rested, however I don't anyway as I just can't...)


I am no longer going to go to Brickcon, originally I was going to go, but then I had the choice of attending next years BFair instead. Of course after much thought and such I decided to go to BFair because some staffers here I would love to meet got to BFair and not Bcon.


I will do something to stand out.. probably a large nametag saying I AM SPINK. with a white hat with SPINK on it in large black letters, maybe red letters (red light travels faster) so people know that I am Spink and not some random walker arounder.


I am looking forward to 09 and I really cannot wait for it to arrive.


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Red light travels faster to the eye than the other colors in the spectrum.


And I misspelled that on purpose... wanted to see if anyone would catch it =P

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I took an explorer quiz last year. :P




Awww. :(


Sorry to break your heart, but a Scar Night RPG is just not possible on BZP. I'll tell you why on AIM. ;)




I wish I could go to those events. ;_;

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Actually all you would have to do is calm down on the harsher parts (language, and some other minorish things)


Even though there is religion in it that religion does not exist in our world and therefore does not count towards religious discussion. As well there isn't much racial discrimination, there is against a group of people (the Heshette tribes for instance) and blood and gore could stay the same.


I've noticed that I pretty much go into a slight less detail than Alan Campbell does, but still. And there are several places that one could venture and several groups one could explore. The tougher things would be the realm of the Maze and Ulcis's abyss which I suppose would become playable places in due time. In those two there would be a few options to choose from in what to play as, and some rules of the Maze and what Menoa does would have to be toned down.


As in- No randomly shapeshifting PCs into whatever Menoa wants, although that could happen as a reward or punsihment.


Archons and such would be kept down not for players, everyone would go for one and that would ruin playing experience.


However there are several factions to choose from, and RPing as a Spine, or a soldier for the church, or as a poisoner, or even as a Heshette would be interesting. Mercs and such would also be acceptable.

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Actually all you would have to do is calm down on the harsher parts (language, and some other minorish things)


Even though there is religion in it that religion does not exist in our world and therefore does not count towards religious discussion. As well there isn't much racial discrimination, there is against a group of people (the Heshette tribes for instance) and blood and gore could stay the same.


I've noticed that I pretty much go into a slight less detail than Alan Campbell does, but still. And there are several places that one could venture and several groups one could explore. The tougher things would be the realm of the Maze and Ulcis's abyss which I suppose would become playable places in due time. In those two there would be a few options to choose from in what to play as, and some rules of the Maze and what Menoa does would have to be toned down.


As in- No randomly shapeshifting PCs into whatever Menoa wants, although that could happen as a reward or punsihment.


Archons and such would be kept down not for players, everyone would go for one and that would ruin playing experience.


However there are several factions to choose from, and RPing as a Spine, or a soldier for the church, or as a poisoner, or even as a Heshette would be interesting. Mercs and such would also be acceptable.


Well, I see what you're saying here, but the strong religious concepts might provoke argument from people who have a real religion in this world and are strong believers.


And the blood and gore might mean that the RPG needs to be limited to only a certain age group so that it remains appropriate for the young ones here on BZP. And we don't want to limit the kinds of players we can have here. ;)


Ah, but did I mention the problem with coming up with a plot? Alan Campbell is a separate mind from ours that is hard to capture and make a parody of. At the end of Iron Angel, we're left with a cliffhanger, and there's pretty much only one big situation. Basically every god and all that is turned towards that direction in the story, so it would be preeteh tough to develop a separate plot.


But the language will have to be edited a lot, especially for the common titles of certain places. *winkwink* But that's not too hard.


And the factions thing kinda ties back into my above plot say, although they might still work out. *shrugz0rz*


But I do like the reward/punishment thing. :P

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No limits, and I have seen things with RPGs based solely on a made up religion, one won the Bionicle RPG contest titled "Truth" and I don't think it'd conflict with actual religions and cultures because it's all fantasy and therefore not real.


Putting a limit on age in not fully necessary, keep out those few things that need to be kept out, switch some names around and anyone would be able to actually play it; there's Halo, Mass Effect, along with a few other M rated things that were turned into RPGs and would not be considered R, but PG-13.


I was gonna go with the actual plot in the story, and if need be continue. It may not have the same flair of Alan Campbell, but at least it is something... and it's not if it fits the author's writing style, it's if it fits a writing style that appeals to the players and keeps them around. Oh and dun think I will be doing stuff with the Maze, I love the Maze.


I believe that through enough work and effort, and switching things here and there it can become something fun (And we don't see many RPGs like this one would be, if we had something similiar I would not have considered thinking up one to be made.)

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No limits, and I have seen things with RPGs based solely on a made up religion, one won the Bionicle RPG contest titled "Truth" and I don't think it'd conflict with actual religions and cultures because it's all fantasy and therefore not real.


Putting a limit on age in not fully necessary, keep out those few things that need to be kept out, switch some names around and anyone would be able to actually play it; there's Halo, Mass Effect, along with a few other M rated things that were turned into RPGs and would not be considered R, but PG-13.


I was gonna go with the actual plot in the story, and if need be continue. It may not have the same flair of Alan Campbell, but at least it is something... and it's not if it fits the author's writing style, it's if it fits a writing style that appeals to the players and keeps them around. Oh and dun think I will be doing stuff with the Maze, I love the Maze.


I believe that through enough work and effort, and switching things here and there it can become something fun (And we don't see many RPGs like this one would be, if we had something similiar I would not have considered thinking up one to be made.)


Oh, one more thing.


HOW many people on BZP have read this book enough to understand the concepts? :P I'm just saying, cuz this book is very complicated and such, probly more complicated than Warriors. It would require long posts of explanations.


But it MIGHT work out... *crawls away*

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I will find a way to explain it even if I must make a biography for each character and an extensive explanation of the factions, and explain who the Ulcis, Ayen and everybodeh else is.
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