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Setting Up...



I hate updating my Blog with new fonts and such. HATE IT. In other news, my actual birthday PARTY with most of my buds is happening tomorrow, because it took so long to find a date where everybody could come. So I'll go set up some stuff, we'll go grocery shopping today, work on the backyard, etc.


I'm also having half a mind about selling the rest of those piles I bought because they're being an extreme nuisance, taking up space in my closet. I also need to finish the Toa Mangai collection I'm doing, which is proving to be burdensome to my schedule, and ALSO finding a shelf for all my MOCs. They can't be kept on my bookshelf because that's too crowded, etc, etc. My 07 Playsets need to be redone AGAIN, because I tore the flying white mantis apart, tore the stinger whale in two (>.<) and everything else is missing pieces. Then there's the whole collection of WIPs in my closet including a torn apart Hahli Mahri because I don't have all of her pieces, an amateur looking Helryx with a mace, a custom made mask I'm no telling you guys about, some Bionicles I owe my friend for letting me borrow, and half of Krekka. Did I mention I'm struggling with the Toa Mangai, too? The Toa of Earth's sword is too weird looking, and I don't have an extra blue torso for that water Toa that was the test subject for the Nihu Motara Energy Siphon.


My room is also a mess, which is a terrible sign for somebody as clean as me. I also have to redo my bed completely because I was like having nightmares of something last night, and the sheets are everywhere and my pillows are switched..




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:) Bunda knows The Song too. Too bad he doesn't know "you take it out you put it away, lalalalalala..."


It settles five year old...and current...arguments easy. *nods*




Yup. You don't have to be perfect; it's just gonna cause you stress, dude. And then Javi said, "LET THERE BE MESS!" and there was mess.


Soo...don't worry about it so much, just have fun with everything. :D That's what I do: you'll find me making a joke out of the worst situations. If it was the end of the world, I would say goodbye to all my friends and start playing "How Far We've Come".


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