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Weekly Update - 9/5

Black Six



Brickfair is over, so now it's back to the grind. Let's see what we have in store.



First thing I'd like to do is mention a poll I recently started: The Future Of Bionicle Videogames. We haven't had the best of luck in this department over the years, but with TT Games' popular Lego games that have been coming out over the past few years and Lego Universe on the horizon, maybe it's a good time to get Lego thinking about a new Bionicle game. I'm looking for your interest and feedback so I can pass it along to Lego. If you think we need a new Bionicle videogame, check out that topic!


Going back to Brickfair quickly, we are currently compiling pictures and writing stories. I can't say when we'll have everything up, but we're working on it. Next time you all should come so you won't have to wait for us to tell you about it. ;)


Other things you may be interested in hearing updates about:

We currently have a couple set reviews in the queue and more on the way. Just about all the sets have either been reviewed or have reviews in progress, so we're doing pretty well. We'll also have an extra-special video review coming up that was recorded at Brickfair and features a whole bunch of us that were there. It's amazing, let me tell you.


Post ranks: They're still coming, and every time I see the progress being made I'm glad I haven't posted anything yet, because they keep looking better and better. These are now lower on the list though, after Brickfair and set reviews.


Other than that, there's not much going on (isn't that enough?!). A couple of ideas are floating around in the Staff hivemind, but who knows what will surface. If you think you have a cool idea, let us know!



1. Why don't you format your posts? If you would format them, what font/colors etc. would it be?

2. Where did you come up with the name 'Black Six'? :P

3. Is/was Brickfair totally awesome? :P

4. Among the X360 games you own, which one is your favorite?

1. Too much time for no return. And besides, the default black color matches my name, so what else do I need?

2. That's a secret. I'll give you a hint though, Googling it won't help you at all.

3. It was frelling awesome.

4. Halo 3.


1) is the 'smeag' [:smeag:] emote named after Smeagol4?


2) Does Smeagol4 really have a dark side called Gollum4?


3) Have you read any epics of BZP?

3a) If so, which is your favorite?

[if you haven't, I suggest reading the BZ-Metru Story by Snoopy82 and any of ToM Dracone's work, specifically, Learn to Fly, or Iron Ghost]


4) Do you like giving out Proto, or do you find it annoying?


5) Which site did you like better, BZCommunity, or Kanohi Power?

1) Yes.

2) No.

3) Not recently.

4) People that deserve it get it, it's part of the job, and it's not very difficult, so no, it's not annoying.

5) BZC was a discussion site and KP was a news site. I visited them both daily until the merger, so I can't really say I liked one better or worse.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



That's it for this week. I'm going to get back to editing pictures now... See you all later!


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The "Staffhivemind" sounds creepy. :fear:

One in Three people are rendered mad, mute, and bereft of all control over bodily functions after being exposed to the Staff Hivemind.


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Yikes. Though if I ever become staff, it won't effect me because I'm already mad, mute, and bereft of all control over bodily functions.



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The "Staffhivemind" sounds creepy. :fear:

One in Three people are rendered mad, mute, and bereft of all control over bodily functions after being exposed to the Staff Hivemind.


Maybe I should lay off wanting to be a staffie for some time...

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The "Staffhivemind" sounds creepy. :fear:

One in Three people are rendered mad, mute, and bereft of all control over bodily functions after being exposed to the Staff Hivemind.

Three of my personalities qualify as the above.

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