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Suckiest Week Ever



This has been the worst week ever. EVER. One of the main reasons why is because my sister who got sick from one of her friends gave it to me, so then I was laying on the couch with two layers of huge blankets over me, sipping chicken broth. Then I went into a fever, and because I couldn't possibly move, I was forced to watch the terrible Nim's Island. Before I started feeling like dung, I also fell down the stairs and twisted my ankle and foot to the point where if I step on it wrong, it makes me want to scream because it hurts so bad. So my Mom had to call everybody who was coming to the party and told them that we're rescheduling. The day was incredibly drawn out and boring, although because of that I got to read all the way to Part Two in Queen of Sorcery. If you don't know what that is, go look it up.


Then I woke up this morning feeling FINE. FINE I TELL YOU. So was my sister. I can have the party, but my Mom keeps persisting and saying I probably still have a bug. (Which my fever killed, at the expense of a long, drawn out night) I could totally have the party now - I'm eating, my stomach doesn't hurt, in fact, I just ate four scrambled eggs and two pieces of toast, at this early in the morning. The only downside is my foot, but I'd be fine limping along.


So now we have to reschedule for next week. That also means that it would be one day before my parent's anniversary. Urgh, and that would probably push it further. In fact, I don't even think I'll have a party this year, judging on how things are going up and down.


I am so angry right now I think my head's going to pop off. Also, just for the little cherry on top, one of my friends was totally unaware about the reschedule and e-mailed me this morning, and said he got Mazeka. Which I don't have yet.




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I'm glad I'm feeling better too. I'd probably go insane if I had to stay in bed again. I'm still haunted from this last winter when I got sick, constipated, and had mainly body problems every week or so. :P I had to rest so much it nearly drove me crazy, literally.


We'll probably have it on Saturday. But you never know..

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At least the fever killed off the other thing.


I didn't have a party but we drove an hour to my grandparents to take them with us to watch a movie and got a flat tire and missed the movie. And a month later I got some more birthday money in the mail which was unexpected and cool.

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Well... at least you're feeling better. :(


Woah, I can edit other people post's in here? Schweet. xD


Don't about your powers, Miz. :unsure:


That really stinks...a lot of people in my district have been coming down with a similar bug. If it's the same thing, it's a one-day virus, so you're actually already better. *shrugs* That's a bummer.


I should have gotten Mazeka with my birthday money; he looks awesome.


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