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Flying By



September 10th, 2008

Today was really fast for me; don't know why...this week has been flying by, which I like. Fast weeks are great; more weeks like this and it'll be summer before I know it! :D

Let's see...what's new...

Tomorrow's 9/11. I plan to do something like BZP on a forum I moderate, with the avatars to remember that fateful day.

I've been a-working on my comics, but I can't seem to adjust the eraser on Paint to recolor with ease. And by the way, Miz, recoloring is a whole lot easier on Paint than it is in GIMP or PS. I use a laptop; is it even possible to do using one?..

My room's a total mess right now, bits and pieces of Toa Ignika and Chirox all over the floor, Wayri and Scouri lying around, Cordak Bullets and on top of all that, my bins are sitting out, too.

I don't care to pick up my messes, but my mom would be really angry if I didn't, so I need to do that. I also need to practice my trombone.

It's 6:20 pm here while I'm writing this, and I feel really tired. School wears people out, that's for sure. I'm counting down the days until Christmas Break now. :lol:


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A friend reminded me this morning; I wouldn't have remembered until I checked the date tomorrow otherwise. You're welcome; I'll make sure to tell my friend that some person they don't know on the internet thanks them for indirectly reminding you tomorrow was 9/11. ;)


Voted counted. First one to vote--probably last, too. Last week's only got one vote..


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