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Done With Bzp

Spoony Bard


I am gonna take a break from BZP. Apparently doing my job correctly isn't approved by many, so I am just gonna stop doing my job and do something else for a change.






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Well, I know it doesn't count for much but I think you're doing a fantastic job! ^_^


But I'm not going to force you to do anything, hope you come back sometime soon though...




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I think I know what do you mean in that phrase. Well... is not that you don't do your job well, but, if what I heard is correct, your arguments are not always the best...

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Ah Omi, I would like to say "DON'T LEEEAAAAAAAVVVVEEE!" but at the moment that doesn't sound like the possible avenue, so I'd only be hurting my throat. Well, hope things work out better and that you're able to come back soon, as things would be different around here without you, and this blog won't be updated.... and that means.... aw geeze boredom.


Hope you come back though.

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I do hope things work out for you, Omi. I personally think that you're doing an excellent job, but I respect your decision, and hope that things will work out in the end. :)

Best of luck,


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Oh hun, i understand what you are going through. You are doing your job and if there are children that ignorant out there that can't understand the rules then i just feel that it is more of a reason for you to stick to it!

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Bah, some people don't like you cause they're just jealous you're so cool, and most people who whine about whatever... it's kinda useless. They just can't accept being proved wrong or just not seeing the argument is silly in the first place. :P


Still, breaks are pretty good, so I hope it can refresh you and stuff. =)

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This has to do with the 9/11 topic and people ignoring you? I think I know how you feel and I'd be pretty annoyed, so just enjoy your break and come back whenever you're ready. :)

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