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I Blame Khote.

Lady Kopaka


Yeah I blame you. Aprons too I suppose.


But seriously, he's just too cool not to draw, everyone loves our dear Mutran!


Since you totally inspired me, this picture is dedicated to you, Uncle Khote. :D





Concept art and all, so I will probably change around a few things... Just don't tell me to remove the apron. Mutran must has apron. <3


EDIT: And though this is concept art, a lot of the offs in this picture are about to drive me mad. Thanks for pointing out flaws guys, I'm gunna fix it asap. ^^


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What I would do is make his hair non-spiked in the back or top. Have it plastered to his head, like it looks like in the "I forgot my rock" sketch, it looks more...Mutran-y that way, IMO.

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I forgot my Rock..XD Classic Mutran moment. Though his face still too looks intelligent in some, instead of crazy, and in some he looks naive. But still funny nonetheless.

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Awesome Drawing of Mutran, Lady K.


Who said get rid of the Apron? That Apron look cool on Mutran so don't get rid of it!


Can't wait to see what you come up with next Lady K.



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Responding to some comments...



Although I imagine him a bit more crazy acting

I always pictured Mutran to be the 'refined crazy' kind of guy. While I am sure he has his crazy moments, I can't always picture him just always mad. Sorry about not adding him in a crazy expression though. (But it's alive kind of does it right?)


But he needs goggles. He NEEDS them, I say!

I thought about using goggles, but I thought he looked cooler with the small rounded sunglasses. Though I may, when he does work on experiments itself he could put some on, but they wouldn't be as offical or regular as the glasses themselves.


Thanks guys! I'll see about showing more art and hopefully get to working on a new art topic. :)

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Is that snake strangling a poor little girl? how could you? I"M the resident Toa of Shadows, you know...

If I am totally making a huge and irreversible mistake, begging forgivness.


Mutran himself reminds me of another Anime/game character.... now who could that be? maybe it's just the glasses, but...



greed.jpg - FMA


I swear it by Artahka's holy sweatband, this is really weird. The shadowed one looked like Auron, and now this. Not that I am saying you are a con-artist, because I would NEVER say that, and they don't look similar ENOUGH> stilll, I must make the point because I am obnoxious, and also REALLY HYPER right now. Which makes no sense because I had about 5 hours of sleep last night. I smell apples. Does anyone else smell apples? *collapses*



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Bah, cruel. D:


No actually it made me laugh. Though I had so much trouble with that arm I finally gave up on it. "Forget it, he's having a ridiculously short arm."


EDIT: And though this is concept art, a lot of the offs in this picture are about to drive me mad. Thanks for pointing out flaws guys, I'm gunna fix it asap. ^^

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I agree with Cap'n Kopaka - the upper arm is fine, the lower arm and hand are just a tad small.


<3 the design, works very well.



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