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Complaining Is Good For A Developing Mandible!

Toa Achilles (Tums)


It has just occured to me that the High School I go to has arranged my classes to be as far away from each other as possible, and are sequenced so I have to walk back and forth repetetively. Maybe it's just a new program to stop child obesity. Not that I'm fat, of course. IceColdToa's the only guy I know who called me fat. And with improper grammar too! On second thought, I once though Tomato Soup called me fat too, but it turns out he was talking about some other fat creepy Ta-Matoran named Frank.


I wonder, if people stopped making sugary, fatty foods, would kids get skinny because they ate healthier, or because they refuse to eat anything. Now there's something to ponder.




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You make sound as though Soup Cans talk to you...

But yes, that happens to me too, although the school should buy some hired bullies to force the children to run from them and then they would lose weight...


I should be in Polictics or something...

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I don't quite believe your argument. Sure, they place classes (and my locker) as far away from each other as possible. And that means you have to work out alot getting between them, and thus lose fat. But if you add into the equation all the heavy textbooks they give you to carry that distance... well, you start to build muscle. And once you have alot of muscle, you may look as big and weight heavier than if you were covered in fat. Or maybe not quite that much...


Not that I've seen that effect yet, but there's always the possibility.



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...The thing is, most of us aren't fat. Or at least not anymore. So their cruel program is making us into toothpicks!



Lean muscular toothpicks, you mean :P You people have to look at the bright side of things!



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