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A Good Day For Math

Tufi Piyufi


Oh, it's always a good day for math.


I love it when people go on about how neglected they are because nobody's posting in their topic, often with the nose-eye-viewed addition of 'look at this topic with its horrible horrible art?MOC/basketweaving and how many posts it's getting insert implication that the forum is filled with malicious tasteless hounds here'. Just love it. To pieces. Well, actually, no I don't. At all. I lie horribly here. It's a horrid attitude. For one thing, there's nothing I love more than a good ol' entitlement complex. Lying horribly again: it's a rather harmful attitude for one to have, expecially when you're talking about the world of creative works. Nobody owes you posts. Nobody. Don't care how good you think your piece is: nobody owes you posts.


But this entry is not me whining about entitlement complexes! No. It is about the other component I could go on and on about. It is about math, you see. Simple math. You see, there's a lot of people who feel they're neglected. I've seen like a gazillion blog entries and opening posts and replies about it. A gazillion is only a slight exaggeration. These then attract more people to commiserate about their perceived neglect. People love getting together to talk about these things. It's amazing.


This is where the most remarkable element comes in. You see, people are more than happy tp spend their time and energy telling their stories of how they got, like, no posts at all. Absolutely eager to do it. And people are just as eager to reply to that. It's a tragic misdirection of time, energy, and words, though. You see, if folks took half of the effort they'd normally spend talking about their neglect and instead invested that in some nice reviews for other folks? Happier times for everyone, ahoy.


You gotta give, too. Standing with your hands out and coughing 'ahem' won't do you a whole lot of good. It's not going to get you a lot of posts and it won't get you the best reputation. And, yes, reputation factors in. Not in the 'oh no popularityyyyy' way: in the 'y'know, I hear this guy really isn't all that nice' way. The way that matters worlds more than you might think. I've said it before and I won't stop saying it: the BZP populace is way smarter than it's given credit for. They're not inclined to give attention to those who insult them. There's folks who could stand a quick check in their own rear-view mirrors before asking why they never seem to get replies.


And don't post solely in 'the topics of people who look like they could take building/art (way) too seriously', for crying out loud. You really don't want to get me started on that approach. Review whatever you like (obligatory revival rules reference). Everyone likes a nice, helpful post. Just remember that you need to actually plant something before anything's gonna grow for you.


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Here's a thought of mine: if you're building/drawing/creating something, do it for yourself, not for BZPower. If you post it on here and people like it and comment on it, great. But don't make something because that's what you think people will like, make it because you like it and it makes you feel good about yourself. Do your best work and be proud. There's always room for improvement, and if you're able to get criticism and suggestions from members that's great too, but it should be a byproduct, not the main cause.


That's just the silly little way I look at the world.

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I've had something like this is my head for a while, but you expressed it way better than I could have. :)


So that's the thing so many people miss. This wouldn't do any harm to have it pinned in several forums...




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I keep on getting the notion that the purpose of these types of blog entries is to tell us to "suck it up".

Yep, pretty much. I abhor (melo)drama in my forums. Also, senses of entitlement and self-inflated egos. But mostly the (melo)drama.

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I keep on getting the notion that the purpose of these types of blog entries is to tell us to "suck it up".

That's the way the ball bounces, princess.

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This is all very true, but do keep in mind (If you haven't already) that the majority of these people are rather young and can't be expected to grow up overnight. They'll get there someday.
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