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My birthday is Monday. =D But what stinks is that next week my school has off on Tuesday. So I get the weekend off, go to school on Monday (my birthday D:) and stay home on Tuesday. At least I get to see everyone in school. =\ There isn't anything super good about that though.


Last year's birthday was great though. It was the marching band's first competition of the year, so it was my first all day band day. You know, like we have practice in the morning, go for lunch (Quizno's!!!) for an hour, play at the football game, go for dinner (MOAR QUIZNO'S!!!) for a little more than an hour, go to the competition, and then come home at 12:00.... at night. SO FUUUUUUNNN!!!!!!!!! Everyone decorated for my Birthday and made me cakes and stuff. Oh, and I got Seranwrapped, or however you spell that. That was kind of annoying, but everything was so awesome. =D


This year I have zero band on my birthday. D= I do have awesome classes and time to spend with my lovable peeps though so kewl? =\


And I still don't know what I want as presents or anything. I'll just get moneyz and buy something later I guess. =\ I want Rock Band/2 and a 360, but recently I have been thinking about saving my money for something later in life, like those important things. =\


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