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Why Didn't I Say This Earlier?

Turaga Dlakii


In case you haven't guessed by now, given that I've finished one of my delayed projects....




So, uh, yeah. It's a spring break, but with no drunken teenagers, because Australians are smarter than that. *scrambles to cover up footage of Steve Irwin dangling his son in a crocodile pen* :P But, even with Newsroom #86 out of the way, there's a whole heap of BZP-based stuff I've got to get out of the way some time soon. So here's some notes for those who want stuff from me.

  • Takua95 and Emzee, I've got the time, so I'll be getting to work on those sprites, I SWEAR.
  • To all those who applied for voice-acting roles in LIGHT, I'll be PMing you scripts and such soon. And specifically to Roa McToa, I'll be briefing you on the mess you've gotten yourself.
  • To all my assorted fans, I'll try and have Chapter 20 of Land of Dragons done in the next two weeks, but in that case, I'm making no promises.
  • To anyone else to whom I presently have obligations, I'll try and clear those up; you might have to remind me, though.
  • To those involved with Heroes, I'll be getting to work on stuff eventually, kthxbai.


So, uh, yeah. This ought to be a fun two weeks... :unsure:


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...Do I have to apologize for not being involved?

And you might wanna say that in the topic. I dun think many of them read this blawg.

No, you're in the clear, Xay. :)
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I love you, Dlakii!


*ahem* Yeah, you enjoy your holidays too. We ought to meet up, but we won't because you're in smelly SA, and I'm in awesomely Victoria =D

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I love you, Dlakii!


*ahem* Yeah, you enjoy your holidays too. We ought to meet up, but we won't because you're in smelly SA, and I'm in awesomely Victoria =D




Uh... I live in Canberra. But one of these days, I'll return to Victoria, probably to get you. :evilgrin:

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Canberra? That's even worse!

And yes, you shall return to get me... Three birthday presents! All this time you've known me, and you've never given me one. Shame on you!

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Oh! I can't wait for the scripts ^^


Wow spring break already lucky... It's only the first week of fall here.


(I hate the wind! Especially when it's hot too. BLECH!)



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Canberra? That's even worse!

And yes, you shall return to get me... Three birthday presents! All this time you've known me, and you've never given me one. Shame on you!


Yeah, but we don't get annual bushfires. :P


Not true. Where else do you think the Victorian bushfires come from? :sarcastic:


Kortu was joking.


Plus, he probably doesn't read your blog. :P


That makes no difference to me. :uhuh:


<<*points at blog approval from Kortu*


Oh! I can't wait for the scripts ^^


Wow spring break already lucky... It's only the first week of fall here.


(I hate the wind! Especially when it's hot too. BLECH!)




Er... wait. That was actually in reference to LIGHT, not UTMovie. Sorry, Tah, but you'll have to wait a lot longer for those. :(


And that's more evidence that the hemispheres are opposites in that regard. Also, I think you'll find it never snows at Christmas here, let alone is cold. :P


Hmm... personally, I really like wind. (In the weather sense, of course :P) It's nice in summer, especially at school when you can't go inside to escape the heat at lunch. ;)

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My, someone's hormonal. :P


Dude, I tick people off all the time. If I have to write another apology letter I'll die of bipolarity.


I was kidding. I usually am only half-kidding when I tick off newbs, but you are my homeskillet. My really, really, REALLY vain homeskillet.


Okay, just kidding on that one. But yeah, I was totally kidding. I just used the :P emoticon at the end of ALL my sentences in that post and so I deleted a few and it must've not looked like I was kidding.


Seriously though, buck up chap! Or I'll shove you into a microwave.


Also, on another note, I don't really read people's blogs. I do like once a month. :P



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