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I've Been Captured

ToM Dracone


... by real life.


Last week was Spirit Week. As mentioned. That alone kept me busy pretty much every day, during school at least. Throughout the week I was also developing a cold. By some miracle I was able to hold off actually getting sick through my performance as God on Thursday (which went very well indeed), and then through Blue-White Day on Friday (basically an all-school field day). But as soon as I got home Friday afternoon I absolutely crashed, and spent the rest of the day and a lot of Saturday lying on the couch feeling awful, with my voice absolutely shot.


But then Satuday was Homecoming, to which I went for once since I actually felt decent at the time. Each of the upper school classes parades a 'float' around the field, so I was God again on ours, surrounded by a bunch of dancing angels, with the devil and two demons hanging on at the back. With techno music blaring. It was rather awesome, even if I was sick.


Since then I've been recovering. I took advantage of the buy-two-get-one-free TRU sale last week to get Rockoh, Gali, and the Dwarves' Mine Defender (I had wanted Lewa, getting his parts for free, y'know, but they didn't have him). I've built Gali and determined that her form is better without the earfins, would be perfect for Helryx were it dark blue instead of silver, and is severely detracted from by no weapon but the blaster.


I have yet to build Rockoh, because I've never had sufficient time.


And then I spent all of last night doing an essay for AP US... and so much of the rest of my time has been occupied by the yearbook. It's coming along nicely, and having people obey me when I tell them what to do is a peculiar but encouraging feeling. It's wonderful when people actually do things that and when they're told to. :3


In conclusion, I shall leave you with some quotes:


Dr. Jones: "All of this could be on the AP test, you know. Broken guitars ... wealthy Arabs ... Victoria's Secret ... It's all in Catullus..."


Henry: "No, no. Paris is real."


US teacher, on the Continental Army: "They weren't going to go out and capture London."

Willy: "... Quickly, everyone, into the boats!"


Henry: "Some study led by the Dean of Rejections at Harvard..."


My mom: "You deserve to have dead butterflies in your hors d'oeuvres."


Context is unnecessary.

~ ToM


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