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Weekly Update - 10/3

Black Six



So I was sitting at my computer after enjoying the premier of Sanctuary and wondering, 'what should I do now?' when it suddenly dawned on me that I had forgotten the weekly update! But I was not too late, so here it is!



If you haven't read this yet, do it NOW! Some people like being surprised, please respect that.


Hopefully we'll have another set review getting posted tomorrow, getting closer to finishing the 2008 lineup.


I received some information this week about ToyFair in February. I won't say anything but this: I'm excited, probably moreso than normal. :)


Oh, did I mention you should read this? Use spoiler tags people, and only discuss things that we have mentioned on BZPower in the news or by the staff. If you're not sure, don't say it.



First of all, I thought of the most win contest of all time. Ya' know those new rank images? Well, I thought that it would be awesome to have a contest, you could call it an AC, or just a GD contest, where people would make rank images. That would save whoever's making them some trouble, add some interest to them, and be a heck of a lot of fun. :D You could post up a short list of ranks that you need images for, say 3, and people could make images for them, with typical AC categories.


Secondly, NEW BLOG SKINS. The current one works, but bloggers would love you forever if there were a few more blog skins. Just basic colors, orange, red, black, green, blue, white. I would be more than happy to make them, as I'm sure many other people would be. I don't know if this would be hard to do with Invision blogs or not, but it would be sweet. :)

So, I'm not sure that these really qualify as questions more than suggestions, but they are pretty interesting.


For the first one, we have a set style we're going for with the new images. Many of them are coming along well and just need some tweaking and finalizing, so I unfortunately don't see such a contest happening.


Blog skins would basically be the same as forum skins, as far as I'm aware. The possibility of a new skins contest has been considered, but we all know how well the last one went so we're holding off for now.


1. Do you like Star Wars, as in obsessed with its Expanded Universe?

2. Do you like Lord of the Rings and all of Tolkien's other works?

3. Do you like to play Battle for Middle-earth 1 or 2 on the PC? And Rise of the Witchking (expansion to BFME 2)?

4. What do you think my name is?

5. Do you sometimes wish the universe permitted murder because of some annoying noob on the forums?

1. Yes. I used to follow the EU closely, but have slacked off for the past few years. The prequels contradicting things Lucas had approved in books and comics annoyed me.

2. Definitely. I have multiple shelves worth of Tolkien books on my bookcase.

3. Never played it.

4. Fernando.

5. No, that's just kind of creepy.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



There have been rumblings and murmurings of a return of the BZP Podcast. If I had the time and inspiration, I'd love to start it up again. Perhaps if people show me there's enough interest and give ideas something might happen at some point. Just saying...


Talk to you all next week!


Recommended Comments

What was the first Skin contest like?

Basically, it happened and then the new skins were never made.


I'll wager a big chunk of the problem was that the submissions were merely images of what the site would look like, lacking (as far as I know--correct me if I'm wrong) things like graphics sets or even coding.

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The only thing that's worth anything in the EU these days are the comics, which are actually pretty fantastic. But the books? Are sooooo baaaaad right now. Doubly so if they're set after NJO. I mean, the Darth Bane books are pretty neat, and actually manage to retcon some of the junk things that the prequels contradicted in a way that makes sense (ie: "The Republic hasn't had a war since it began! 1000 years ago!"), but that's it.

But yeah, the Knights of the Old Republic comics are some of the best things to show up in Star Wars in a long long time, and both Legacy and Dark Times are lots of grand fun that totally make up for the fail that is the rest of Star Wars that doesn't have to do with them.

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The thing with skin contests, though, I think, is that it's really some trouble for people to post images of what the skins looked like and not involve any of the coding that's actually required, like Dok said, only because not too many people have the certain type of knowledge on how to make skins. ;)

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What I'd consider awesome would be having a theme contest, but there would have to be the requirement of coding the theme, providing every individual image, and suchlike. It'd be difficult, yes, and certainly take a while, but it would be amazing for the coding/graphics community, especially if 'teams' were allowed too.

But hey, just have to see about things in the near-future, aye?

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What was the first Skin contest like?

Basically, it happened and then the new skins were never made.


I'll wager a big chunk of the problem was that the submissions were merely images of what the site would look like, lacking (as far as I know--correct me if I'm wrong) things like graphics sets or even coding.

Some people did actually code their skins (ahem), but sadly people didn't see common sense and voted for the skins that looked the most flashy.

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The skins got backburned to more important issues, and the forum has been upgraded more than once since the contest. Then there were compatibility issues, even with the one skin that was implemented.


©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM

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