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Twisted Logic Voting




Welcome to the Short Story Contest: Twisted Logic voting! :D

You may vote for up to three entries, but no more.
2. You may not change any of your votes or edit your post in which you voted.
3. You must read every entry in order to vote, no exceptions.
4. BE FAIR! Do not just vote for an entry because you know the author, m'kay?

Tahu - [0]
2. Love And Rivals - [1]
3. Pariah - [1]
4. Shrouded - [2]
5. Confessions Of A Dark Hunter - [1]
6. The Encounter In Karda - [0]
7. Whispers - [0]

Voting extended (I'm beginning to hate that word :P ) to October 19th at noon EST.

Happy voting! :)



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I think it is the fact that he does not wish to read all of the entries in order to vote. But he likes mine a lot and I think he wants to vote for it, but he does not want to read the others just to vote for mine. And he is pretty sure I will win. True facts.



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Having finally read all the stories, I'm ready to make my voting decision:


Pariah: I loved how the author combined Doctor Who, Bionicle, and a bit of Portal, then threw a brand-new Toa headlong into it. The Doctor definitely had his quirky personality. The demise of Things was a bit confusing, but overall, I found it an enjoyable story.


Shrouded: The ending truly shocked me. I wasn't at all expecting that one character who turned out to be that one thing to turn out to be that one thing. I would go more into depth, but I don't want to spoil the ending. =P


I'm basing my vote on the unpredictability of the twist. This is purely opinion, however -- there are some stories which I was surprised by, but others claim were easy to figure out, and vice versa.




It feels so weird for my vote not to be anonymous!




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Well, I've read the stories, and I've concluded that my votes go to:

Love and Rivals,


Confessions of a Dark Hunter.


All the entries were great, and these three appealed to me the most. Turakii integrated her usual humor into a great story that still fit the theme. SZ, you wrote a great story with several twists that I never saw coming. And Jedi Gali wove an intricate tale exploring the feelings of a character who is usually displayed as emotionless.

All were very well written, and I figured they were very deserving of votes. :)


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No votes on mine....well, I'm really not surprised.


Congrats to whoever is fortunate enough to win! And as for my vote, well, I haven't really got around to reading any of the stories :annoyed2: ...

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Guest kopakanuva13


I read about half of three of the stories, and I'm liking Pariah out of the three I started. But I won't vote until I've read them all >3


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