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There's a logo for the Abnormal Place now. And I messed around with stuff slightly. Because PSP is better than Photoshop, fools.


And there's the first round of Honorarily Abnormal people (HA), so if you don't want your name there, feel free to tell me so I can ignore you and give you a bad nickname that will stick with you - for the Rest. Of. Your. Life. ;)


Now, in all seriousness of nonseriousness, life is pretty good. Not too fond of school, but Sundays normally bring some form of social activity, and my terrible attempts at flirting with one girl at my church. See, when you joke a lot, it's really hard for people to take you seriously, or for you to act seriously. So whatever I say is highly odd.


Her: "Hey."

Me: "Did you know I can put fifty gumballs in my mouth??!"


I just don't understand why we don't get closer.


There was a guy giving a speech at our church afterwards too, and it was really boring. All I got out of it was that he wanted us to give money to feed orphans...to lions. No, never mind. It was to do something. But he kept using cheesy cliches, and I was sooo tempted to say "The power is YOURS!" at the end of his speech. Lawlz power rings nub!1


Also, a friend asked me a couple days ago that if he got a D&D-style game, but about LOTR, if I would play it with him. I figured it would probably be fun, but I didn't want to risk it by having to play a D&D-style game about LOTR. :P


But since this entry was way too serious, I'm going to digress into some form of donut rant.


I had a donut for breakfast, which is a big wad of fried bread in the shape of both a letter O, the number 0, and on rare occasions, the name Phil. Yes, those have been found - in the Philburger chain of restaurants extending from southern Vermont aaaaallllll the way up to central Vermont. They have many different meals, but everything is served in the shape of the name Phil, and all the waiters names are Phil. Well, the girls are Philettes, but that's okay. My uncle Phil used to work there, until a tragic deep-frier accident left his pinky toe scarred for life (they make their fries with their feet - it tastes great). LET'S EAT FEET FRIES!



Exo's Edit Importanter Blog Annooncementie : So don't do this


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Dude, I totally need tips for picking up this chick and I've got weedy arms. What I do?


Girl: Who are you and why are you looking at me?



That hasn't happened yet, but it'll happen tommorow. Then the slow feeling of getting kicked in the...





king at the sok factoree really needs to be an Honourary Abnormal People.

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Her: "Hey."

Me: "Did you know I can put fifty gumballs in my mouth??!"


That's very weird... I know a guy that, just looking at him makes you laugh (because he's goofy). You're probably like him. You sound it.


Anyway, those feet fries sound... pretty... terrible! LOLZ!!!!



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Me: "Did you know I can put fifty gumballs in my mouth??!"

*walks up with 51* Beat that! *cheeks explode*


No seriously, you guys should just use GIMP. It's free plus it's got more or as many features than Photoshop Pro. GIMP owns you Chuck Norris.


~ :kakamanu: ~

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