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Oh God, It's A Rant Bomb!



*countdown hits zero*



Okay, don't get me wrong guys. I like Bzp. It's one of my biggest outlets for social activity, seeing as I homeschool and don't get to see my friends often.


But you know what has really been under my skin for so long now? This festering, chattering, flesh-eating parasite of a carnivore has been bothering me for far too long now. So, let me uproot this little beast and expose it for the monster that it is and how it cheats me out of much and then flaunts it's antics in my face!


I love to draw and write. My friends on here would probably know this. Yet you never see me post any drawings or stories for some reason. Why is this? Because every time I always have, it has usually been eclipsed by this little demon. This little wretch may seem small to many, but for me, it is a raging beast that has it's way in plain sight because so many people are swayed by it's ways. What creature am I talking about here?


I am talking about the drooling monster that is SHEER, OOZING POPULARITY!


I rarely go on the offensive, guys. I try to be nice, but today? I need not scratch this itch, but in fact flay it from my very body! By ranting I may not change anything, but this screaming voice inside my head has longed to be heard for all the years I've been here on Bzp. This is not orbiting around me- I've seen many members with talent who deserve their 15 minutes of fame in the spotlight, but are alas blotted out by the same members who have been hogging this spotlight for over FIFTEEN months!


People, I hate popularity and over-hyped things. TTGL, Naruto, Harry Potter, Chuck Norris, dragons, Jonas Brothers and so on. Well, I also... strongly dislike.... that some members' statures are so bloated, iconic and worshipped that even if they posted a drawing of a stick figure running over a squirrel , they'd have drooling fanboys and kissups from every corner of Bzp flocking to it to worshop it and praise it as though it were made by whatever God they believe in!


And this is just ridiculous in contests. Some of these people might deserve their stature- I won't give names, but everyone knows who they are. They are good, but too good! Give another generation of budding artists a chance and stay out of the way! You're squishing them!


And then there are those who in all honesty are not meant to be artists who post their doodles, and they score over two pages of worshipping, while I on the other hand find my drawings rotting in the back of COT or the art forum with only 8 posts! IT'S RIDICULOUS! It's like Wal-Mart choking out small buisnesses!


And it's pathetic.


Why are these other members who lack the talent behind their creations so worshipped? Because of their appeal. Teenage girls who like Bionicle are almost considered Gods by default, it seems. Because they could spit and they'd have a crowd of prepubescent boys calling it a modern art masterpiece!


The right religion and right gender seems to lock one's popularity into place. I hate it. Don't call it irrational, either. I've been here for practically 3 years now, and I can see it clearly. It's not hard to miss when you look at it from a broken down sense. Yes, perhaps am I still a bit overboard. But you know what? I don't care! I'm screaming into this pillow called my blog, and if I'm lucky I might get a few sympathsizers along the way. At least then I'd know I wasn't alone.


If you look at from the angle I see it, this is something that can never be overthrown and the best one can do is get on with life, just stopping to let off some steam occasionally. But for many of you, I am a raving madman who is just jealous that my topics don't get more posts. That is partially true, this I say and do not defend myself on. But I do believe my reason for being jealous is sound because all the attention is not going to the worthy and instead to those over popularity!


Heck, they might as well replace BBC contests with "Which member Do You Idolize?" contests.


Seriously- go on and do that! Then we might have some real, substance-based votes in all the other contests!


Note: This is not at all aimed at the members themselves. I would never hate someone merely because of the fact they happen to appeal. This has all been aimed at the outcome of said popularity, not the members.


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*hides in a corner scared* :fear:


I don't go to the art section much, so I wouldn't really know, but from what I've seen in the BBC, I understand what you're talking about.



=/\/\ajor /\/\arvelous-

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I mean, I understand what you're saying and all that, but...meh.


In my eyes you either force yourself into the spotlight and become that what you hate (Ew) or you carve out your own little niche of comfort.


That's all I've done. I worked hard on my stories, but I didn't want to force myself into the spotlight. Thus I'm a cult favourite. That's all.



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Kativa, this is a board that's frequented by kiddies.


They tend to idolize.




I knows. I knows. Just ranting to get it out of my system. Just explosiveness that finally came out x3


And Janus speaks the truth.

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I find that the question of whether someone deserves "the glory" or not is a rather opinion-oriented question. Just because you don't think that they deserve their glory doesn't mean that they don't. And some people, despite having victory assured, still enter the contests for fun, and I know that most, if not all, enter the contest with good faith in the voters that they will vote based on art, not artist. (Which I know doesn't always happen, but whateva.)


Truth is, the people who are at the top made their way to the top through their work. And it's not their fault, as Wrack said, that kids idolize them.

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I find that the question of whether someone deserves "the glory" or not is a rather opinion-oriented question. Just because you don't think that they deserve their glory doesn't mean that they don't. And some people, despite having victory assured, still enter the contests for fun, and I know that most, if not all, enter the contest with good faith in the voters that they will vote based on art, not artist. (Which I know doesn't always happen, but whateva.)


Truth is, the people who are at the top made their way to the top through their work. And it's not their fault, as Wrack said, that kids idolize them.

I understand that. But the point behind all my anger is how that eventually this popularity practically developes a gravitational field in which many Bzp'ers revolve. This also blots out the works of many others who are good and have lots of potential, but get no encouragement because everyone else is paying attention to the idol's work. It's the result of the popularity that angers me, not the people.

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