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Log: 9/10/06



I'm going to start taking my Blog for what it's worth and actually write about my day. Matey. :pirate:




May day started out simple enough. Wake up at 8:30, look at the clock, and then roll over like nothing happened. The usual.


When I came downstairs, I powered up Lappy, and then went for breakfast. After realizing that I wasn't hungry, I walked over to look at Matoro Inika for a few minutes, with my AC12 entry in mind.


After getting on BZP, I read a message from Tahraau. It took me a while for me to notice his Onewa avatar. After it registered, my basic thought was:


"OMG!!! That was today?"


I quickly switched by av and banner and left Lappy.



At about 10:00 I went for a bike ride. Overall it was kinda boring, except for the part when I rode my bicycle down a busy 4-lane bridge. In a lane. But you don't want to hear about that, or good ol' DN might get sued for being a bad influence. :)


Then I took an involuntary bath after riding past the jetty on the other side of the bridge.


Eventually I had to go back across, so I did the whole incident over again.


The next few hours after my bike ride passed in boredom.


Then I started working on my AC12 entry, finally. My preliminary sketch of the Death Star turned out very well for my expectations. ^_^


Then I had a looooong 2-hour ride home, reading my book, and wondering whtat you'd all think about me riding a bike on a bridge after I told you about it! :happydance:


And here I am now. :wakeup2:



Yep, that's it.


~International Onewa Day~


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Yep, biking is indeed good exercise. ^_^


You didn't comment about my ride on the bridge yet! :(




In case you were wondering, I did seriously do that. :pirate:


~International Onewa Day~

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And here I am thinking I'm getting a pretty stressful workout typing out a PM...


You have a laptop!? :o Aw!


Okay, so you rode on a bridge and nearly got ran over. :P I rode my bike in front of a parked car last week. So there.


Then I started working on my AC12 entry, finally. My preliminary sketch of the Death Star turned out very well for my expectations.

Yayz! Hurry up and finish it! The dealine's coming up...


You said you were going to be busy with school today. Or something. And all you did was ride your bike. :lol:


Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go draw something in Paint Shop Pro...or do jumping jacks...or just be constructive...




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You have a Laptop? Man, your lucky. I got 6 years old Gateway Computer. Well, it a good thing your riding a bike, unlike me who was inside all day. I hope you enjoy your bike ride, Captain Dudenuva. Well, I hope you get your AC 12 entry in time before it to late. I can't wait to see it. Well on a side note, I like to tell I may not be able to get the picture of Visorak thing, so you may want to check it out yourself. Sorry! ~IOeD~
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And here I am thinking I'm getting a pretty stressful workout typing out a PM...


You have a laptop!? :o Aw!


Okay, so you rode on a bridge and nearly got ran over. :P I rode my bike in front of a parked car last week. So there.

Yayz! Hurry up and finish it! The dealine's coming up...


You said you were going to be busy with school today. Or something. And all you did was ride your bike. :lol:


Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go draw something in Paint Shop Pro...or do jumping jacks...or just be constructive...



Yep, I really love my Lappy. ^_^ *huggles*


No, actually, I was perfectly safe from cars at the moment. But I did almost pick up too much speed and run my bike off the jetty into the water! :happydance:


Boy, did that come out wrong. :mellow:


I'm trying to finish as fast as I can! :(




You have a Laptop? Man, your lucky. I got 6 years old Gateway Computer. Well, it a good thing your riding a bike, unlike me who was inside all day. I hope you enjoy your bike ride, Captain Dudenuva. Well, I hope you get your AC 12 entry in time before it to late. I can't wait to see it. Well on a side note, I like to tell I may not be able to get the picture of Visorak thing, so you may want to check it out yourself. Sorry! ~IOeD~


That's okay, JMJ. But that display is probably gone by now, right? :pirate:


Oh boy, it was an awesome ride. :P


~Cap'n DN~

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I was going to comment on this yesterday, but the Board Message reared it's ugly head... :annoyed2:


Anyway, that must have been quite the ride. A four lane bridge? Are you sure there was no alternative path?


Good to hear your entry is going along well. I can hardly wait to see it.


I almost forgot it was IOeD too. :lol:

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That's okay, JMJ. But that display is probably gone by now, right?

Actually it still there. Didn't I tell you, my mother work at the Toy R' Us there? I guess I didn't after all. She told me it still there, so it is. Well, I hope you see it because it sure looked awesome when I saw it. You probably know how many pieces are in it, since I am still trying to figure that out. Well, I got to get to bed. Bye.~J.M.J.~

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