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So I'm still pretty happy. And I like Mondays. Why? Because I don't have to work today, plus Terminator and Prisonbreak are both on tonight. Also, I actually had a short conversation with the girl formerly known as "unattainable goal" last night, which was good, since she's generally somewhat difficult to hold a conversation with. Why?


Well, let's say I asked you, "How is _____ going?" in hopes of starting a conversation. Her response would probably be "good." And that's the end of the conversation. And it's not her being stand-off-ish or anything... she's a very nice person... but it's just what tends to happen.


But Green Tee's still at the top of the list. :bigsmile:


So Youth Group was generally lame last night. As I mentioned a few entires ago, it's now small groups every other Sunday instead of every Wednesday, which is basically code for "Dok doesn't get to hang with his homies tonight, lol." But whatever. Looking forward to this upcoming Sunday, when I'll get to play in the band again (finally) like I was every week last month.


Anyway, Megyn Kelly just said "over nine thousand" in reference to the stock market. :P


What is a Megyn Kelly?

Where did she/it say this?

Was this on television?

The news?

What network?

Did you just make up the name Megyn Kelly?


Good questions all. Do your research and present your answers to the questions here. First person to get them all right wins... a Tuesday Five tomorrow!


Recommended Comments

I'm wearing a green polo right now. :D


And some other senior flute wore the same shirt as me.


u wike dat senor flut dont u 8u.gif

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