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So it's confirmed that she's in Dissidia?



The entire cast of Dissidia was officially released.


FFI: Light Warrior and Garland

FFII: Firion and Mateus Palamecia

FFIII: Onion Knight and Cloud of Darkness

FFIV: Cecil Harvey and Golbez

FFV: Bartz Klauser and Exdeath

FFVI: Terra Branford and Kefka Palazzo

FFVII: Cloud Strife and Sephiroth

FFVIII: Squall Leonhart and Ultimecia

FFIX: Zidane Tribal and Kuja

FFX: Tidus and Jecht



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So it's confirmed that she's in Dissidia?



The entire cast of Dissidia was officially released.


FFI: Light Warrior and Garland

FFII: Firion and Mateus Palamecia

FFIII: Onion Knight and Cloud of Darkness

FFIV: Cecil Harvey and Golbez

FFV: Bartz Klauser and Exdeath

FFVI: Terra Branford and Kefka Palazzo

FFVII: Cloud Strife and Sephiroth

FFVIII: Squall Leonhart and Ultimecia

FFIX: Zidane Tribal and Kuja

FFX: Tidus and Jecht



Yeah, the last I heard on the Wiki was that Terra was unconfirmed. At least Kefka's in it. ^_^


Thanks for clearing that up, Omi. And will Dissidia only be out in Japan? (sorry, I'm not up-to-date with release info and such :P)

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So it's confirmed that she's in Dissidia?



The entire cast of Dissidia was officially released.


FFI: Light Warrior and Garland

FFII: Firion and Mateus Palamecia

FFIII: Onion Knight and Cloud of Darkness

FFIV: Cecil Harvey and Golbez

FFV: Bartz Klauser and Exdeath

FFVI: Terra Branford and Kefka Palazzo

FFVII: Cloud Strife and Sephiroth

FFVIII: Squall Leonhart and Ultimecia

FFIX: Zidane Tribal and Kuja

FFX: Tidus and Jecht



Yeah, the last I heard on the Wiki was that Terra was unconfirmed. At least Kefka's in it. ^_^


Thanks for clearing that up, Omi. And will Dissidia only be out in Japan? (sorry, I'm not up-to-date with release info and such :P)

A game like this is a must for fans. Making it Japan only would be a fool mistake for Squeenix.



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No Locke or Sabin love? :(


Locke was never in love with Terra. I thought he was in Love with Celes, which is why they share their part of the credits together ;)


Personally, I think Terra looks hot in that photo :P

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No Locke or Sabin love? :(


Locke was never in love with Terra. I thought he was in Love with Celes, which is why they share their part of the credits together ;)

You misunderstood that comment completely.


Basically there is no love for Locke of Sabin because they aren't in Dissidia as main heroes.


And Locke will forever be in love with Rachel.



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No Locke or Sabin love? :(

No Shadow or Mog love, either....=''(


Oh well, I guess it's all judged on popularity. I would've died to see Shadow this way...:P

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Oh well, I guess it's all judged on popularity. I would've died to see Shadow this way...:P

All the characters were picked because they were either the main hero/protagonist or the main villian/antagonist. Plus each hero has a connection with the villian.



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No Locke or Sabin love? :(


Locke was never in love with Terra. I thought he was in Love with Celes, which is why they share their part of the credits together ;)

You misunderstood that comment completely.


Basically there is no love for Locke of Sabin because they aren't in Dissidia as main heroes.


And Locke will forever be in love with Rachel.




Locke will forever mourn Rachel perhaps, but that doesn't mean he couldn't have moved on to Celes. When people loose their love ones, some people don't choose to live in darkness forever. Besides, he got over Rachel pretty quickly and got the Phoenix Esper.


What is actually the point of Dissidia? It just seems a bit odd to have a "Mortal Kombat" style FF game, with loads of FF charactars...


Still, Terra does look hot.


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Wait a sec, why no FF12?

They are only going with I-X. Though that is all they said. They could squeeze something in.


What is actually the point of Dissidia? It just seems a bit odd to have a "Mortal Kombat" style FF game, with loads of FF charactars...

Dissidia is a Final Fantasy that reunites the heros and villians to fight again once more.



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Dissidia is a Final Fantasy that reunites the heros and villians to fight again once more.




Okay... but for what purpose? What's the point? (I'm a very critical gamer :P)

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Dissidia is a Final Fantasy that reunites the heros and villians to fight again once more.




Okay... but for what purpose? What's the point? (I'm a very critical gamer :P )

Why should there be a point to any game ever made? Does WoW have a point? No, it's just entertainment for people, that's all.


And it kinda makes up for nothing of Final Fantasy being in SSBB. Which is a shame, since the first 6 games were all on Nintendo systems, but I guess they couldn't waver anything with Squeenix.

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Dissidia is a Final Fantasy that reunites the heros and villians to fight again once more.




Okay... but for what purpose? What's the point? (I'm a very critical gamer :P)

Basically to fight for the Crystals, of which are the pedestial of the universe.


This game gives another chance for the villians to succeed.



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If it's about major connections, wouldn't Celes be better than Terra? After all, she was an apprentice/chosen by Kefka or something...?


Or the FF wiki is wrong.

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