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I Think I'm In Love...



...With my new laptop. :wub: The Dell Inspiron 1525... A work of art. I love it so much. :D The way the keys feel, the texture of the whole thing, the color, the resolution of the screen, the fact that it's light weight, the 4 USB ports, and the built-in webcam with effects...


I could go on forever. :P And I'm transferring my files from my mom's computer, so that's why I've not been on much. Then I need WiFi, which I'm hoping to set up tonight... And I'll have pics up soon, but I'm currently sick, so I'm kinda... Groggy. >_>




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Here you are at last

To bring my cold lonely soul sweet release

From my weary past

Always searching, the one missing piece was you

And I beg you, come away with me

And together we will find a place to call our own

I can’t wait to see what I can do

With a laptop like you


It’s not your CD slot

Or the Unix on which you are based

You make my lap hot

Cause underneath your aluminum case there’s love

And I forgive your strange one-button mouse

I forgive the way your keyboard leaves marks on your screen

I can overlook a fault or two

For a laptop like you


We will always be together

In love in spite of everything

Hang on tight through wind and weather

Heaven knows what time may bring


In a year or two

You will seem big and heavy and slow

I will carry you

To wherever it is laptops go to die

And don’t think it won’t be hard on me

How’m I ever gonna find a way to justify

The money I will spend on something new

For a laptop like you

For a laptop like you



- Jonathan Coulton

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It's not a Mac?

That's a good thing. ;) (just messing with you, nothing wrong with a mac, other than the price point :X).


Anyway, I'm not a big fan of the dells. My roommate has one and it's pretty blah looking. I like my HP Pavilion dv2000 Special Edition. 4 gigs ram, 2.2 mhz dual core 64 bit processor, smiles all around. :D




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I know EXACTLY how you feel! I was the same way when I got my laptop. :wub:


So what did you name yours?! :br:


takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:



It's not a Mac?

No no no... This one is twice as good as the cheapest Mac, for half as much. ;)


It's not a Mac?

That's a good thing. ;) (just messing with you, nothing wrong with a mac, other than the price point :X).


Anyway, I'm not a big fan of the dells. My roommate has one and it's pretty blah looking. I like my HP Pavilion dv2000 Special Edition. 4 gigs ram, 2.2 mhz dual core 64 bit processor, smiles all around. :D




Ooh... Shiny...



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PROXY, eh? Now WHERE have I heard you mention that before...? :P


My computer is a Toshiba Qosmio. And I decided that "Qosmio" is just such a win word, that had to be its name. :D


takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

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