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Stop It



People who have Bionicle Legends#11 or have read spoiler, can you please stop alluding to stuff that happens in it? I mean saying stuff like "I wish all the *CENSORED* didn't die" or "Ooh! This topic has something to do with what I read in Bionicle Legends#11, but I won't say what. Though I will say that it sort of goes with this theory..." Seriously, can you just wait until the release date to boast, complain and discuss the book? I'm not gonna be getting it until well after the release date (due to long shipping times) and I'm trying not to spoil myself on something I've been waiting since 2001 for, so can you please settle down? :)


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Dude, you won't believe this... it's like, THE FINAL BATTLE! EVAH!


I can see why people want to discuss it... there's stuff from the book that does answer some questions, and I'm particularly interested in how all the serials tie in with it too (I mean, the Makuta who planned Spirah's birthday party are gonna be so bummed after reading FoF) But, I guess for the sake of all... :ziplip:




Did I give away anything in that?

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Did I give away anything in that?


No, it's more when people go into theories about how this year will end, post how they've read Bionicle Legends#11 and they don't think the theory is true, or they leave no other explanation to certain things...

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The last book I read was Island of Doom. :P


(And before that 'Beware the Bohrok' and the first book ever. :P)



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My favorite part was when Teridax and the viper of doom combined to become Unicron and then exploded, killing the Mata-Nui/Kopeke fusion.


That statement was 100% true false.

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My favorite part was when Teridax and the viper of doom combined to become Unicron and then exploded, killing the Mata-Nui/Kopeke fusion.


You seem to forget the part where Nixie accidentally walks in on the Joker, who's watching Seinfeld. That was totally hilarious. :P


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My favorite part was when Teridax and the viper of doom combined to become Unicron and then exploded, killing the Mata-Nui/Kopeke fusion.


You seem to forget the part where Nixie accidentally walks in on the Joker, who's watching Seinfeld. That was totally hilarious. :P


Oh yeah, that part was great too. XD

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Following the comics or TN's blog are just as bad... obviously there's a lot of stuff from Endgame in the book too.



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Did I give away anything in that?


No, it's more when people go into theories about how this year will end, post how they've read Bionicle Legends#11 and they don't think the theory is true, or they leave no other explanation to certain things...

As long as they don't reveal anything, it is perfectly legit and does not violate the spoiler policy.



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I'm out of here. The last book I read was Time Trap... :lookaround:






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Makuta and Mata Nui got in a duel, Mata Nui was killed, Makuta hung his head in shame at killing his brother and went into self-imposed exile as a monk to roam the universe. Antroz became the leader and killed Miserix, then the Nuva went mad at the chaos and broke into infighting, after which the new Botar sent them to the Pit and Artahka became the new Great Spirit. Krika stole the mask of life and killed everybody, however, and then killed himself.



... I hope I did not spoil any of it. :)




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Did I give away anything in that?


No, it's more when people go into theories about how this year will end, post how they've read Bionicle Legends#11 and they don't think the theory is true, or they leave no other explanation to certain things...

As long as they don't reveal anything, it is perfectly legit and does not violate the spoiler policy.




I never said it was against the rules, I was saying that it was annoying and that I would like people to stop doing it. :)

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My favorite part was when Teridax and the viper of doom combined to become Unicron and then exploded, killing the Mata-Nui/Kopeke fusion.


You seem to forget the part where Nixie accidentally walks in on the Joker, who's watching Seinfeld. That was totally hilarious. :P


Oh yeah, that part was great too. XD


OOH! And the part where an Omi-type being totally owns Tahu at a staring contest. That was EPIC. :)

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My favorite part was when Teridax and the viper of doom combined to become Unicron and then exploded, killing the Mata-Nui/Kopeke fusion.


You seem to forget the part where Nixie accidentally walks in on the Joker, who's watching Seinfeld. That was totally hilarious. :P


Oh yeah, that part was great too. XD


OOH! And the part where an Omi-type being totally owns Tahu at a staring contest. That was EPIC. :)

I cried when Tahu found Garfield, and then the monster from Alien bursts out of the cat's chest. Then Tahu recieved permanent mental damage when the creature started doing the electric slide. It was tragic.




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Oh, but what about when Ozzy Osbourne came in and got killed by Rattrap, but then it was an accident and Rattrap got the Ignika to bring him back and then the Spanish Inquisition arrived, and Ozzy wasn't expecting the Spanish Inquisition, but NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition! And then they all got locked up and heard the tale of Don Quixote, and Tahu decided to become a satirist but then It came in and everybody died. That made me sad. :(

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Did I give away anything in that?


No, it's more when people go into theories about how this year will end, post how they've read Bionicle Legends#11 and they don't think the theory is true, or they leave no other explanation to certain things...

As long as they don't reveal anything, it is perfectly legit and does not violate the spoiler policy.




I never said it was against the rules, I was saying that it was annoying and that I would like people to stop doing it. :)

Or you could ignore it.



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Did I give away anything in that?


No, it's more when people go into theories about how this year will end, post how they've read Bionicle Legends#11 and they don't think the theory is true, or they leave no other explanation to certain things...

As long as they don't reveal anything, it is perfectly legit and does not violate the spoiler policy.




I never said it was against the rules, I was saying that it was annoying and that I would like people to stop doing it. :)

Or you could ignore it.




S&T is my main forum and most of the topics have something hinting Bionicle Legends#11 stuff in them. It was practically impossible to avoid without not going to S&T. That is why I decided to spoil myself eventually. :)


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