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Still Alive

ToM Dracone


Contrary to all appearances...


My life suddenly became extremely busy in the last week and a half. I'm not entirely sure how. Maybe it was that everything decided to happen all at once. Inordinate amounts of nightly problems for Calculus, most of them about integration and nigh-unsolvable, then two presentations to prepare for AP US, a 4-page-long essay for English, large amounts of reading for English (which are only a problem because I end up with no time to do them), and on top of all that a Greek test yesterday that caused large amounts of stress beforehand because I felt like I didn't know anything on it.


Meanwhile, even a three-day weekend left me with not enough free time. On Saturday we went to visit Cornell (which has a beautiful campus and delightful Classics department – I was able to read the Greek on the boad in one classroom!). I spent most of Monday evening unexpectedly with Youri, who had come back from college for his fall break, in which we raided Barnes & Noble and then saw Nights in Rodanthe, which is a surprisingly good movie. Then for a lot of Tuesday afternoon I wandered around school with him and his brother and a friend. Wednesday I went to the boys' varsity soccer Senior Night (even though it was more like the afternoon), and then at night there was the final presidential debate. Then Thursday was my Greek test, followed by a DBQ for US, which killed three of my normal free periods (since I sat in on the AP Bio class for fun during the other) and then I spent the evening writing the aforementioned English essay. Which prevented me from doing the slew of Calculus and a practice essay for Latin until today.


And then on top of all that I finally got the Yearbook organized and assigned everyone their pages, which combined with general page-making took up most of my free periods this week. And then tomorrow the Environmental Club is having a school garden-thing during the day, to which I quite want to go, though I'll get there late.


Because I intend to sleep as late as I possibly can tomorrow. Because I've been pretty much continuously tired since Wednesday.


So that's where I've been. I may or may not return there next week; I'm hoping not... because there are actually things I want to get written and built, but I've had no real time to do those in... or in fact to do much in any of my forums. Alas!

~ ToM


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