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Killer. Undead. Babies.



Trust me, if I could find you a screenshot of it from Dead Space, I would. But yeah. Undead mutant human babies that spew explosives at you with TENTACLES.


My new battlecry is "Time for your abortion, freak!" XP


Dead Space just keeps getting more and more epic *not to mention terrifying* at every narrow turn- this game has the guts *and I'm not just refering to the gore in the game XP* to traverse where few other games have gone. Bioshock got a little bit of controversy with the whole Little Sister thing, but wow. Undead babies. I can only imagine what's gonna be next XD


And you thought fighting the Necromorphs on the ship was scary? Try it out in space- and just remember: In space, no one can hear you scream OR ravenous undead monstrosities charging you from behind.


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Man, only 25 more dollars to go until I can buy it ;-;


But I'm making 5 dollars an hour babysitting the sibs tomorrow night, so I'm gonna buy itttt <3


And lol @ Necrobabies w/ tentacles.


Oh, and by the wayyy- get AIM <<

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Man, only 25 more dollars to go until I can buy it ;-;


But I'm making 5 dollars an hour babysitting the sibs tomorrow night, so I'm gonna buy itttt <3


And lol @ Necrobabies w/ tentacles.


Oh, and by the wayyy- get AIM <<


Do iiiit~


You won't regret buying that game.

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Man, only 25 more dollars to go until I can buy it ;-;


But I'm making 5 dollars an hour babysitting the sibs tomorrow night, so I'm gonna buy itttt <3


And lol @ Necrobabies w/ tentacles.


Oh, and by the wayyy- get AIM <<


Do iiiit~


You won't regret buying that game.


I know ;-;


My friends have already told me so ;-;



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Define babies. :P



Well, they're babies.


Really, really ugly babies.




They try to eat your head with tentacles and stuff, then start screaming and crying when you whip the snot out of them. I prefer to chase them down a wall until I can get them in a dead end and just beat them to death. Saves ammo.

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Still contemplating getting that game for the PC.

However, I have a bunch of games that I still need to buy (I have been trying to save as much money was possible).


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Still contemplating getting that game for the PC.

However, I have a bunch of games that I still need to buy (I have been trying to save as much money was possible).


I know how that is- there's still Fallout 3, Gears II *although Dylan and I STILL aren't done beating the game soley through co-op mode XP* and it just goes on an on...

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I rented it, and it sure is fun using the ripper on those things. But I just got to a rage inducing part where the Necromorphs start growing back their limbs. What do I do to stop them growing back?

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I rented it, and it sure is fun using the ripper on those things. But I just got to a rage inducing part where the Necromorphs start growing back their limbs. What do I do to stop them growing back?

you have to step on their heads i believe you stun them then cut off their limbs then step on their head

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