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Return Of The Word



Sorry it's been a while, but I've had a lot of homework and other stuff going on this week. I've got a big group project for AP Euro, plus a Bio test that I took today, along with the other usual assortment of smaller homework assignments, family life, and social life. Just finally got a small amount of time to type this up.


And, even though this has absolutely nothing to do with the rest of this blog entry, I'm just going to stop right now and tell you to go and read the new "Brothers in Arms" chapter, if you haven't already. Why? Because Mazeka is totally awesome in it. I love his new personality, and he is probably now my favorite matoran character since Kapura.



Ok, just had to get that out of my system. Now, on to the Word of the Week!


Inflammable- Able to be set on fire


This week's word isn't so much random as it is meant to be helpful. It's easy to think that it means something that can't be set on fire, but instead it actually means the same as Flammable. Quite counterintuitive. I hopethis helps at least one person someday.



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Ah. Makes me think of when I was at Petrol, and I saw this gas tank that said Caution: Inflammable. So, I was curious about this, and decided to try something out to see if it really was unable to catch on fire.


I lit a match and tossed it on the tank, running away as fast as possible to behind a rock. And then the thing caught on fire, so I laughed. How stupid could those label guys be?


It's quite a pity you didn't tell me this word earlier. :lol:

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