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Een Of The Hallow



Well, tomorrow's Halloween. And I got invited to a party! Woo!


Yeah, I don't usually get invited to go to many parties, so this is a rare occasion for me. Also my first costume party. I'm going as a generic Jedi, since I didn't have time to get together anything fancy, and I already had all the pieces for it scattered throughout my house. Stole the robe from my brother, pulled two lightsabers out of the bowels of my closet, grabbed a pair of brownish pants and a tan shirt, and voila. Instant Jedi costume!


Yeah, I can assure you that there will be at least a few lightsaber duels tomorrow night, and at least one will end with someone getting their head chopped off...





Edit: The Aftermath


Well, to sum up Halloween using a famous quote from a well-known staff member here, "It sucked".

The party was rather disapointing, since we didn't really do anything at all except sit around a puny campfire yelling at eachother and listening to the girls sing poorly rehearsed girl-scout songs that made me want to rip thier faces off. Yes, there were girls there. But, they just sat around and complained the whole time. We tried to play manhunt, but it wound up as two people hiding in the house, the rest of my team giving up after five minutes and returning to the campfire, and me being the only cool dude still looking for people twenty minutes later, since no one decided to tell me that the game was over. Oh, and there was also going to be a Jedi vs. Viking vs. Grim Reaper fight, but one of the girls started complaining that games like that were for children, so the epic duel never proceeded, and no one got beheaded. Yet after that, they started seeing who could hold hands and spin around the longest, up to the point that someone got sick. Childish games? What a pile of Kraata slime.


Sigh... there goes another dissapointing Halloween that held such high hopes but ultimately crashed and burned.


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