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Weekly Update - 10/24

Black Six



It's Weekly Update time! Nothing too big, as per usual. Let's see what's inside.



So, at least one review will be going up this weekend, two if I have time. We should also be getting some coverage from the BrickCon event that took place a little bit ago (no word yet on the rest of our BrickFair coverage, does anyone really care at this point?).


So this year's story gets closer and closer to ending, and details of next year begin to emerge. So let me remind you that you should be using Spoiler Tags when discussing such things. It's not fair to ruin it for some just to make it easier for you to discuss.


The next Member Interview will be going up next week, and then the next cycle will begin. So get ready to flood my inbox!


Post Ranks are still in progress. Yeah...


So here's an idea I'm stealing from somewhere else (much like this update), tell me what you think: BZP 101 - members can submit helpful features or uses of BZPower that some members might not know about. If there's interest we'll go with it.



1) Have you ever met any of the other BZP admins in person?

2) Why do you always log on as invisible?

3) Do you buy BIONICLE sets?

4) What is the hardest thing about being an admin?

5) Do you have a favorite comedian?

1. Yes. I've met Rich (Bionicle Rex) and Michael (Kaiapu).

2. So people don't send me tons of PMs when they see me online (and believe me, they have).

3. Every so often, when I catch a good sale.

4. Trying to stay on top of all the work that needs to be done.

5. There's a lot of good ones out there. I think I'd have to go with classic Robin Williams.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



Check back next week for more updates and other useless information. Woohoo!


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So here's an idea I'm stealing from somewhere else (much like this update), tell me what you think: BZP 101 - members can submit helpful features or uses of BZPower that some members might not know about. If there's interest we'll go with it.

That would be awesome. I actually though of this a while back, but I didn't mention it to anyone. :)


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(no word yet on the rest of our BrickFair coverage, does anyone really care at this point?).


I care and am terrible :(

I would enjoy looking at the pictures, but probably wouldn't read any coverage. I think it would just be "oh we had an awesome time together, there were lots of cool MOCs, can't wait until next year!"


Also, thanks for using my questions!



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