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Update: Composite Cables





A rant.


A work rant.


So, today, I dealt with this really nice older customer. She was very nice, complimented me on how I helped her. Now I have nothing against helping someone, but... there was one thing that was off about today.


She called five times.


Then came in.


Then called three more times.


Then came in again.


All of this happened between 10:30 AM and 4:00 PM.


To sum things up, her DVD/VCR combo was pretty much on the verge of death. So, I suggested some things to try and fix it. (At the time I didn't know it was on the verge of death.) After she called the manufacturer she called back again, and said she needed a new one. I gave her prices on what she was looking for, and she said she would come in.


Well, she called multiple times after, asking about the cables and how it was connected. As far as I could tell it was correct. Either way I was kinda getting annoyed, but she eventually came in... after calling us more than enough times.


She came into the store, and I got to deal with her some more. Found out one of the other things she had was an RF Modulator, something most of you younger people will probably never deal with. It is for TVs that only have Coaxial hook ups, it allows you to get other inputs.


I swear, it took like a half-an-hour to explain what to do with the composite cables. I honestly didn't think it could be that hard to understand how to match up red to red, white to white, and yellow to yellow. And I know for a fact she wasn't colorblind.


So after I send her on her way with the new DVD/VCR combo, she calls back again. This time I honestly didn't understand what she was trying to tell me. Good thing my knowledgeable department manager was there. He got to talk to her a bit, and the new player was defective. Oh joy!


Called a few more times, and came in again and exchanged for a new one.


By that time it was 4:00 PMish, time for me to go home.


So it was a wonderful day! Now, I'm not feeding her to any monsters, cuz she was really nice and understanding... and utterly hopeless when it comes to to electronics.


I just needed to get that out... and don't mind the rambling. And honestly, I could have easily made this entry longer. But I didn't.


EDIT: Breaking news from an associate of mine via IM. She called four more times after I left.

And hopefully tomorrow I'll get the Tracfone guy story up. Yeah... the one that I should have had up like two months ago. That one. :P




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