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Temporary Lull

Takua the Wanderer


I do have a speech to make tomorrow, which is pretty poorly put together by my standards (and that's really bad). But I've prepared all I can for it. :shrugs:


Otherwise, I think I can have a break from homework for now. There's nothing really too pressing, anyway. Besides, I need to go bother some people in S&T again, for the sake of my sanity (which is really in a sorry state right now). :evilgrin:


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Yay, you're alive! :P
I think undead would be more accurate. Darn budget cuts. :P


Define temporary. Because I think you've been in a lull longer than that.
By lull, I mean a pause between waves of homework. I suppose my vocabulary might be a bit off. :P


There's no one left for you to bother in S&T, man. :P
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In my point of view, there's too much content in S&T to keep up with while actually living a life outside of BZP. :lol:

That's why I quit posting there. As you probably remember, I used to be an S&T guru (sort of).


On a random note, I gotta go to bed now, so g'night TtW. It was nice talking with you after so long.



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Yeah, I remember. :P

Actually, I managed it quite fine for a few years. I think if I manage my time well, which I'm working on, and BZP helps me do (:happydance:), I can still keep up to date, do well in school, and have some free time for other things. But that's kinda ambitious. :unsure:


Yep, same here. Good to finally have contact with BZP again, too. :D

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Yeah, I remember. :P

Actually, I managed it quite fine for a few years. I think if I manage my time well, which I'm working on, and BZP helps me do (:happydance:), I can still keep up to date, do well in school, and have some free time for other things. But that's kinda ambitious. :unsure:


Yep, same here. Good to finally have contact with BZP again, too. :D



I work on time-management in my mind, and plan to manage time better, but I've found that it's way easier said than done. :rolleyes: Yeah, that seems a bit ambitious. I can do well in school still, but there are other things besides school that I have to make time for, which I'm not really doing.


Finally, yeah. You've been gone for what? 4 months? Something like that. :P



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Took me long enough to finish all my homework. :annoyed2:


You assume you have a mind.



I have a nuclear powered rock. :D


I work on time-management in my mind, and plan to manage time better, but I've found that it's way easier said than done. Yeah, that seems a bit ambitious. I can do well in school still, but there are other things besides school that I have to make time for, which I'm not really doing.


Finally, yeah. You've been gone for what? 4 months? Something like that.

Luckily, not four months straight. :P

Oh, I don't really have anything other than school. I have flute lessons, but that's about it. Maybe not that ambitious. :lol:

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Took me long enough to finish all my homework. :annoyed2:


You assume you have a mind.



I have a nuclear powered rock. :D


I work on time-management in my mind, and plan to manage time better, but I've found that it's way easier said than done. Yeah, that seems a bit ambitious. I can do well in school still, but there are other things besides school that I have to make time for, which I'm not really doing.


Finally, yeah. You've been gone for what? 4 months? Something like that.

Luckily, not four months straight. :P

Oh, I don't really have anything other than school. I have flute lessons, but that's about it. Maybe not that ambitious. :lol:


Not straight, no. :lol: But really how long were you gone? I think you left in June or something.

You are... privileged, in a way, because you probably have more free time. But you're also not so privileged in another way, so I guess we're even. :P I like to be busy anyway.



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Yep, June. Luckily, it doesn't seem that I missed too much. :)

Eh, I personally prefer being idle. :P


Depends on how you define "much." ;P

Lazy... :lol:



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