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Serious Dinner



Well, because most folks' intelligence couldn't cope with the Shakespeare stuff, I'm going back to plain ol', current day english.


Anyways, yesterday.


Halloween is approaching, no doubt. So yesterday I got to work, locking myself away in the bathroom with the Dark Knight soundtrack VIA the internetz blaring in my nearby room. Unearthing every bit of Halloween makeup and makeup utencils, I set to work. Taking my shirt off as to not get it splattered in makeup, I began my transformation into the Joker.


45 something minutes, the call for dinner erupts- and I'm still finishing things. 10 minutes or so later, I was done!


Step one: Took the green hair spray, got a gulp of air, and set to work spraying the potent stuff all across my hair. I wasn't aiming for a solid green, so I did it pretty half- DO NOT BYPASS THE WORD FILTER! <<DV>> on purpose.


Step two: Quietly stealing borrowing Xar's hair gel, I ran the nasty stuff through my hair until it was stringy and gunky.


Step three: I applied the Joker scars to both sides of my mouth- but this quickly became an annoyance, because the corner of one scar refused to stay and fell off a few times. This is bad, and I mean bad for me. Why? Because I was using a much lesser form of makeup adhesive then the usual liquid latex stuff. Why? Because I've recently developed a latex allergy, and it sure as heck ain't pretty. I'm STILL trying to get rid of this scar sort of mark under my lip left over from my dentist appointment at the begining of October. So again, I'm glad I did this before the actual big night.


Step four: I went crazy with a little sponge, splorching it in white makeupy gunk and dabbing all across my face. I did this throughout the entire process, jumping between applying and removing to give it a sloppy look.


Step five: Crayon time! Since my mom somehow lacked red lipstick, I had to use one of the crayon type stencils that I had- which was a mixed success beceause it worked well on the prosthetic scars but not on my actual face :/


Step six: Battled with some of the black pastels- so I went with the fresh stuff instead of the God Knows How Old makeup that Barney Rubble probably cross-dressed with eons ago. It obviously worked much better, and I had achieved the look I was going for.






Now to get the review. Slipping my fairly good custom purple jacket *alas, we ran out of dye before I got the pants purple D;* and Joker gloves, and quietly waltzing into the hallway. I stood in the center, glaring at my family with glazed over eyes in my best imitation of the Joker standing in the middle of the street during the big "HIT ME!!" scene.


A minute passes by.


And another.


I scratch my face.


Finally, someone notices me. Mainly, the dog Benji. He lets out a bark and charges me and changes his mind in mid-charge. He scuttles off to the TV room. Xar goes "OH WHAT THE HECK BEN" and finally looks in my direction.


Dad is impressed, mom is suprised, and I scare the ###### out of Xar- he screamed XD


He tried to exact revenge later by hiding in my closet wearing an ancient Batman mask and tried to shoot me with his nerf gun after I came out from the shower.


Oh, and speaking of Halloween:




Dead Space pumpkin still half finished. I don't know how to finish the Necromorph.


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I also work out. So I'm more then capable of putting you in a lot of pain =)

Your muscles got nothing on my crowbar.



Gordon Freeman> Kitty.

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YOu're flabby.

If I see this again, you will prepare for Arkham.


Batman does not accept the belittling of his Gotham denizens.

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But he was talking about Ka, who is dressing as the Joker.


So Nihy coulda meant Joker was flabby.


And Batman does not like Joker, amirite?

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But he was talking about Ka, who is dressing as the Joker.


So Nihy coulda meant Joker was flabby.


And Batman does not like Joker, amirite?

Sorry. This explanation, sort of like the Penguin, doesn't fly.


An insult is an insult, and any more and there will be action taken.


Arkham awaits those who find justice at the hand of the Bat.

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Your Joker face will kill mine ;-;


Well, unless Maggie serrrriously pulls through and gets some awesome makeup work together :>

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I'll post mine later, its not as win as yours though, but its just done with the stuff you can get at Wal*Mart, no kits, no nothin, plus, my hairs shorter :(

so.. I guess mine's more of a mix between classic and modern joker

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nice costume maybe next year you could go as isaac clarke


I'd love to do that. But man, that's gonna mean money and method. I'll have to put research into it WAY before October.

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Technically, I'm dead already, so I'll fly through the walls. And not criminally insane. So local... vacuum for me? =P


Anyways. Query: How will you get your shirt(s) back on? The make up will, yanno, smear and stuff.


Or you going with a dress shirt?

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But he was talking about Ka, who is dressing as the Joker.


So Nihy coulda meant Joker was flabby.


And Batman does not like Joker, amirite?

Sorry. This explanation, sort of like the Penguin, doesn't fly.


An insult is an insult, and any more and there will be action taken.


Arkham awaits those who find justice at the hand of the Bat.

._. Yes Mr. Batsir

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Technically, I'm dead already, so I'll fly through the walls. And not criminally insane. So local... vacuum for me? =P


Anyways. Query: How will you get your shirt(s) back on? The make up will, yanno, smear and stuff.


Or you going with a dress shirt?


Gonna apply the makeup in a old shirt then put everything else on.

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Step 1: Apply shirt.

Step 2: Apply make up.


Step 4: Try to clean it off to no effect

Step 5: Try to take it off without messing up make up. Failed.

Step 6: Repeat.

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