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Final Thoughts: Dead Space



Final Thoughts: Dead Space


This is not a question of the game being good or bad. I'll try to carry out with this as persuasively as possible...


The question really is can you HANDLE this behemoth BEAST of a game that will leave you quaking for MORE and MORE?!


If you say no, then you'll never be a REAL GAMER!


If the game scares you, that's more then okay- it is that scary.


But if you don't adapt and make the Necromorphs fear you because you're the one that STOMPS their bodies to PIECES and then eats them for BREAKFAST , LUNCH AND DINNER after you kill them- THEN YOU'RE NOT A MAN!


So, simply put and drawing the facts together that I stated above... If you have the money and the ok to play it -then get your scrawny butts out there and buy it because this game gets 3 thumbs up, the first two from me and the third from the guy next to meTHAT I TORE OFF HIS HAND BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE A THIRD THUMB OF MY OWN


And remember, the secret word of the day is EPICNESS


Oh, and I would like to give Resev my personal thanks for telling me about the game many months before it's release- otherwise I may have never had gotten into it like I have.




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I can't agree more. This game is surival horror sci-fi perfection. I rented it, and got close to beating it, and all I can say it, it's is EPIC. Not extremly scary, but scary enough to keep your finger held firmly on the trigger in case of killer undead babies, and also


I <3 the ripper. Circular saw blade on roids for the win.

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I can't agree more. This game is surival horror sci-fi perfection. I rented it, and got close to beating it, and all I can say it, it's is EPIC. Not extremly scary, but scary enough to keep your finger held firmly on the trigger in case of killer undead babies, and also


I <3 the ripper. Circular saw blade on roids for the win.


Indeed. The Ripper became my primary weapon in the game. Buzzsaws and chainsaws >Drills *although I might have to think twice in the case of a Big Daddy*


And sorry Kittan, that's not me :/



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The game was like RE4 on steroids! Def' worth buying....


The Ripper was awesome but I ended up favoring the rifle or Force gun. :D


And as for the helmet, it's cool, but IMO it's abit large and disproportioned...

NMA studios could come up with something abit more accurate, I bet.


It'd be epic if the military suit was made :3...




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the final boss fight was awesome and their making a dead space 2 i believe


Actually, I thought the Hive Mind was easy. I killed the thing on my first try and had tons of supplies left over.


I'ma gonna have to try the game on Impossible mode >X3

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