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Halloween Doodlings





Doodled on English notes, vector'd in Photoshop.


I also made another agenda doodle in the Oct 31 box, and gave that a quick color too.


Aaaah Nia is so much fun to draw! Altho the tiny scale I've gotten used to doodling things on isn't exactly doing wonders for my detail work.


So I set both my alarms last night, for 5:05 and 5:15. Turn it up to max volume. I wake up to hear my clock beeping and go "Great, I woke up at the planned time!"


Look at the clock, it's 5:58.




I jump out of bed, take care of my contacts, thrown on my clothes, shovel down my breakfast, it's 6:15 and the bus comes at 6:55 and I've got to get my face painted for Halloween.


First mistake was the set of paints I chose. My mom bought two, since one of them didn't have white in it, but it turns out one is water based and one isn't; hence, incompatible. So I used the one with the white in it, the one that wasn't water based.


It sucked. I ended up with some pretty cruddy looking blotches on my face. And the bus came. Oh well.


Got home, washed it off immediately. Broke out the water-based ones. Much smoother and darker. Got a nice looking piece of gory skin going on my cheek and forehead, looked like a wild animal clawed my skin off, which was the idea.


Painted the King of Hearts on the back of my hand. No apparent reason.


Took my sister Trick-or-Treating. She was a tiger! Homemade mask, looked adorable.


Had to chase after her and her friend. How are kids so energetic even before they've consumed an ounce of chocolate? Made a huge circuit of the neighborhood. Lots of candy.


Overall a fun night. Hope everyone else had/is having a great Halloween!




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Usually 6:00 for me.


But school was off today.


For all the good it did me and my many essays.


You love Nia, doncha? <3


Everybody loves Nia, Nihy.


It's the eyes, dude. The eyes.

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