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Happy (belated) Halloween



Yes, I know I'm posting this on the night of Halloween. Everyone of you should be out there trick-or-treating, or at a Halloween party of sorts. I, on the other hand, am at home suffering a bad cold.


No need to pity me, but if anyone has Hack sweets, I'd love one or two. :)


I've only two things to offer, in celebration of the day of spooks.


Manai's Adventures: A while back, I wrote a line of short story thrillers/spook-tales about an Onu-Koronan girl named Manai, daughter of a trader named Menakh going around Mata Nui and experiencing the supernatural.

I had some stories in there that I loved, and some I didn't really like.

(The Po-Koronan one was awful. I need to rewrite it - one day, perhaps. I really can't imagine our sport-loving Po-guys having spooks anywhere.)


So, I'll put up here the 3 that I absolutely love. They happen to be the last 3 stories of the line - goes to show that practice does help make perfect.


The story that started it all, however, must be mentioned: The Bleeding Tree


Now in chronological order:

Have fun reading, if you're still in the mood. :P


The Horror Hotel: Anyone heard of Hotel626? I've played it - no, actually, I didn't. I watched someone play it and was hiding behind him, trembling. Seriously.


It's an awesome spook-game. Really. I looked at parts of it when I dared, and decided that the Flash game had an awesome production crew. The sound was amazingly convincing. The graphics are great. And the method of gameplay is innovative. Just... try not to scream too loud. If the splash page is too scary for you, I encourage you not to take it up. It gets very freaky in there.


Have fun.


Happy Halloween! :D

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