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Sorry, I can't set my face to stunned. I've already got it set to something else called stupid. That's alot of masks. Must... steal... masks. :P

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You never did give me a congratulations gift for... Whatever. :P


Yeah. So jealous. I got ziltch when it comes to collectables.

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No!!!! He did it with the Copper Masks(amazing :o ) and now spare Matatu's! You rule, Omicron. :lol: :smilemirunu:


Edit: If you do it with Miru's, I will melt fast.

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"there's always that guy in the group that nobody #%$^#$ likes..."


Dude... Didn't even know they came in those colors... But yeah, the only mask that could impress me right now would be a silver or black lhikann hau...


~Giganuva "^#%& Brian's coming" Upsilon

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Bah, consider that pbzp-2 entry revoked!


Those are some nice collectables you got there omi, I'm actually quite jealous, you know, a couple sets of doubles could be useful for mocing purposes. :P

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Corn-boy, why don't you just give them to the Ninja Handyman? That way you won't have to waste space with those spare Kanohi masks... Seriously man, that is one awesome collection. (You make me jealous :P)

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So what, you think having hundreds of rare collectibles makes you the coolest guy on BZP? Pft. That's nothing.




I waant 'em...

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Dude, how many rare masks do you HAVE!?!?!


Did you get those off of eBay or something?

Or back in the day, did you just get a gazillion mask packs?

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Did you get those off of eBay or something?

Or back in the day, did you just get a gazillion mask packs?

Got them at Brickfest in bulk with 200+ other Kanohi for $50.


So in a way, I got these for 50 cents each.



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*shoots Omi with a bow*




*runs off and sells masks on the black market...like...there's a Bionicle black market. Hah. The only black market is in Onu-Koro, get it, lawl! Then realizes that this asterisk has been going on for too long, so decides to end it at an inconvienent pla-*


Nice collection you got tharr.

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Guest Phyoohrii: Dark Hunter Hunter


'Put the Matatu's down, and no one will get hurt.' Except you possibly.

But you ARE Omi, so I dunno.


IPB Image

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Who sold you 200+ Kanohi (and 18+ Misprints) for $50? My gosh, that's quite a haul. If I'm correct you got

A set of Misprints18 spare Misprints75 Copper Hunas200+ Kanohi

:envy: :envy: :envy: :envy:





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Look at all those masks!!!!


*punches Omi in the stomach*


*Snatches all the masks*


Muahahahaha!!! Now they're mine!!!!!


Credit to me, after T-Hybrid stole it.



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