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So Incredibly Sad

Tufi Piyufi


Coronation Street. Yes, I watch it. Before making a snarky comment on that, I remind you who has the Global powers here. ;)


But oh cripes. Mike. It's absolutely heartrending watching his current story... We just got up to the point where he's sitting outside the restaurant. It's such a scary thing in real life, and even seeing a dramatisation of it...


At least we got some good Battersby time out of that episode, too. :D


And, um, yeah, please be with the not-discussing of specific plot bits. Canada's almost ten months behind (currently on Christmastime 2005 episodes), so I'm not too keen on getting spoilers splashed up in here, and I dunno if there's anyone who's even further behind us (I think I've heard something, though), so it'd be best for all if we avoided the spoilers. Note the vagueness in the above portion of the entry. Nothing more specific than that, please.


So yeah, Tufi watches Coronation Street. Got something to make of that? :P


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*gasp* Is it even possible the Great and Almighty Empress Tufi is sad? But anyways, I've heard rumours of Argentina and Western Australia are waaaaaaaaay behind in the Coronation Street episodes... Can't be too sure however.


Oh, and Kex has Pirackle Fitoron Tufitus.

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*gasp* Is it even possible the Great and Almighty Empress Tufi is sad?

No, just saying that to wait for Kex to slip up again. :)


There's absolutely nothing wrong with Tufi watching Coronation Street. :lookaround:


I'll go back into my safe now, thank you.


~ :kakamanu: ~

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