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Omg! Binky Built Something!



I've always known I work better under pressure. Well, at least I get things finished under pressure.


So my local club is involved with the local LEGO store, we get to display anything we want (within reason) in one of their in-store "window boxes". One of the tall ones. The last few have been really good, starting with a mountain diorama (which Binky dropped in the parking lot), and an industrial facade built by my friend Steve. I helped with the mountain, but none of it was really mine.


This time was different.


Another club member, Jeremy, sketched out a really neat idea for an airport. He and I were going to build it together, but family commitments came up and Jeremy wasn't able to participate. (C'mon, the kid's almost two months old already! Where are your priorities, man?) Bottom line was, I ended up building the airport scene in about a day and a half. And I'm a realllyyyy slow builder, so this was no mean feat.


IPB Image

(Click above for more pictures)

I was really happy with the tower, the top came out better than I'd thought it would. The tower column is actually an oval, that's how the geometry worked out to be able to attach cross supports inside it and mount it on studs to the base. Not counting rebuilds, it took about 3 hours to put the tower together. The rest of the airport took about 8 hours or more. It's kind of hard to see, there are two garages down at the bottom, one with a Shell tanker and another with a police car (both stock sets). The plane and helicopter are also stock sets. The interior of the airport is brickscaped with seats and waiting passengers. At the top is the rail station, which was the last to be built and under time pressure, so the train looks a little pointy-nosed. Hey, it's only my second custom-designed train, so I claim some slack on that one.


The display should be in the Portland LEGO store for about two months. Then we'll get to put something different in.


I also found out during installation last night that next week, a bunch of bigwigs from the LEGO Brand corporate office will be visiting. No pressure or anything. Good thing I didn't know that before.


Now, time to start building for NW BrickCon!



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Wait wait wait wait. You're trying to tell me that AFOLs actually build? I must admit, the staged photograph with you in front of the display was a nice touch. ;)


Seriously, that's a pretty slick airport. Grand work, you guys, especially considering the time you had. Of course, we all know you're capable of pulling off such miracles. :P


Cripes, I need to get down to Brickcon one of these years.

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Cripes, I need to get down to Brickcon one of these years.

Yeah, you really do... you're probably about as far away from Seattle as I am, so if I can make it there, I bet you could too. Even if only for the visitor day. It's a fun con, and some of the best space / mecha people are there. I've always found it a friendlier crowd than at BrickFest, maybe 'cuz it's smaller and more local (although I know people flying in from all over attending).

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That is awesome. Although, 8 hours is kinda... long.

I did say I was slow. Thanks for the comments, everyone. Although I wish it were a little fancier, and it certainly turned out whiter than I had anticipated. But no matter. It's done, and I'm satisfied.

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I've always found it a friendlier crowd than at BrickFest, maybe 'cuz it's smaller and more local (although I know people flying in from all over attending).

Got something against us Brickfest people? :P



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Omi, I think it's just jealousy.

In regard to the whiteness, I think the airport might've been a little better with some blue striping or something, particularly on the control tower. Overall though, it's pretty nice, especially for the short amount of time you had to build it.



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Yeah, you really do... you're probably about as far away from Seattle as I am, so if I can make it there, I bet you could too. Even if only for the visitor day. It's a fun con, and some of the best space / mecha people are there. I've always found it a friendlier crowd than at BrickFest, maybe 'cuz it's smaller and more local (although I know people flying in from all over attending).

Unfortunately, distance seems to be the least of my worries... There's all those little things like school, schoolcamp (same week as Brickcon this year, if I'm not mistaken), I think Thanksgiving's on that Monday, parents, and the fact that this may be a bit short notice at this point. This year seems to have actively conspired against my going to Brickcon. Besides, I'm still on the unwashed brick-eating Bionicle-loving child/barbarian side of the 18-year line. ;)


Next year, though... gah, I swear, next year. Even if I have to sneak into someone's trunk with all their Lego. Even if it's a Smart car. I don't take up that much space. I think I could do it. :P

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I really need to get to the Portland Lego store some day. It's only about 3 hours out of the way from any place I would be going to, but hey, it's a LEGO STORE! :D Nice model, Bink.



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