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Mata Nui Revealed




In the wake of the new animation appearing on BIONICLE.com, I am of course getting loads of PMs with questions. So I thought it would save time to just answer them here. I am going to put the answers in spoiler tags, so if there is a question you don't want to know the answer to, you can skip it. So let's get started:


1. How tall is Mata Nui?


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The conservative estimate I have seen from the story team is about 40 million feet high.


2. Is Mata Nui the Matoran universe?


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Yes. The actions of 2004-2008 all took place inside the Great Spirit. The action of 2001-2003 took place on the surface of Mata Nui's "face." Since Mata Nui is not normally laying still, that explains why Matoran were never meant to live outside the domes.


3. Why did Mata Nui have trees, rivers, etc. on his face??


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One of Mata Nui's jobs -- though not his main one -- was observation of other worlds. To achieve this, he had the ability to conceal himself underwater and camouflage himself with something resembling local flora. In the case of this incident, the Great Cataclysm damaged the EP system and caused a wild growth of plant life without the system really being triggered.


4. What were the Bohrok for?


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When it came time for Mata Nui to move onto another world, the Bohrok would clean the "camouflage" off so he could operate efficiently. This also had the effect of loosening/weakening the stone/soil base the plant life grew on, so it would fall away when Mata Nui rose.


5. Is Mata Nui a robot?


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That is an accurate term in that his body is fully mechanical, not bio-mechanical, but he is much more than how we define robot. He is alive; he is intelligent; he can think, feel and reason. In that respect, it can be argued he is more of a "synthezoid" -- a living being made of artificial parts.


6. Does Mata Nui wear a Kanohi mask?


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No, he does not.


7. What was Mata Nui's main job?


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This gets dealt with in future story.


8. Why didn't the Toa/Matoran/Turaga etc. know they were inside Mata Nui?


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Well, some of you might remember the old story about all of Earth's universe being a microbe inside the bloodstream of a larger being -- and if that were the case, how would you know?


9. Was Mata Nui always on this planet?


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No, he was not.


That's all I can think of for now, but I am sure these answers will prompt other questions :)




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hmm i think i can answer some of your questions, I asked Greg already,


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the Bohrok and Bahrag remain in Mata Nui's head, they did not fall off


the Great beings didn't strike the Makuta because they were in another universe


The Toa arrived after being launched from Karda Nui (via the Codrex chest cannon! :P), but due to a malfunction they drifted on the sea.


and Kittens, I do not know what you mean, Teridax entered Mata Nui's head on his own while Mata Nui was dead (i guess he zoomed from Mahri Nui all the way to Metru Nui in a couple of minutes)


if the Matoran stopped working, that would endanger Teridax


When Mata Nui stands up, the Matoran Universe stay s rightside up similar to the Earth, we may be tilted but we don't feel it, remember Mata Nui controls its internal gravity



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Wow, Greg, you just blew my mind out of its skull!!!

*Looks down*

Hey, it kinda looks like....Nah...or, could it?

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There are more GS's? I'm thinking GSWL: Great Spirit Wrestling Leauge.


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If Mata nui is the Matoran Universe.... and there are other Great Spirits.... and each Spirit observes a universe.... does that mean theres other Great Spirits laying in the planet, conealed underneath it? You said theres other Great Spirits.....


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Awesome, I just have a few questions,


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1: If the Matoran are in Mata Nui, then aren't they sideways since he's standing up, or do they not feel it?


2: If he was to go to another universe, would the Matoran's universe be destroyed?



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Wait, so...


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if he's just a robot designed to oversee other planets....and the only life ON the Bionicle planet was the Bionicle guys we know, WHY was he there so long?


also, when do we find out EXACTLY who sent him, and from where?


and, where he has been before?


and, does this mean that the Glatorians are microbes in the bloodstream of ANOTHER titan, like the 2009 teaser pic?

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Wait, so...


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if he's just a robot designed to oversee other planets....and the only life ON the Bionicle planet was the Bionicle guys we know, WHY was he there so long?


also, when do we find out EXACTLY who sent him, and from where?


and, where he has been before?


and, does this mean that the Glatorians are microbes in the bloodstream of ANOTHER titan, like the 2009 teaser pic?

Well, remember the point that the Pit isn't in exactly another Great Being, but right outside one, so
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Bara Magna might as well be just a region bigger than Mata Nui ( the recntly deceased island )so that all the tribes can fit.
Or it can just be a place of many great beings, seeing as the
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set named Tuma has the name of one of the Maori deities.
It can also be inside a great being, but we don't know which, and because of that, all the other information that came with Mata Nui. By the way, what do you mean by the letters in bold in your post which I have no idea what they could mean. Not being sarcastic.


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Two Questions

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Is the great cataclysm just knocking the body over and would a toa nui be able to do that?


I love flying!

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So if the Matoran, Toa and Turaga are all like blood cells in Mata Nui, then does that mean that the Makuta and other bad guys are like infections?


-Jim :3: :9: :3:

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Wait, so...


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if he's just a robot designed to oversee other planets....and the only life ON the Bionicle planet was the Bionicle guys we know, WHY was he there so long?


also, when do we find out EXACTLY who sent him, and from where?


and, where he has been before?


and, does this mean that the Glatorians are microbes in the bloodstream of ANOTHER titan, like the 2009 teaser pic?

Well, remember the point that the Pit isn't in exactly another Great Being, but right outside one, so
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Bara Magna might as well be just a region bigger than Mata Nui ( the recntly deceased island )so that all the tribes can fit.
Or it can just be a place of many great beings, seeing as the
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set named Tuma has the name of one of the Maori deities.
It can also be inside a great being, but we don't know which, and because of that, all the other information that came with Mata Nui. By the way, what do you mean by the letters in bold in your post which I have no idea what they could mean. Not being sarcastic.



That was just a habit of mine...to capitalize the words i would put an emphasis on while talking. XD

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i dont know if this should be in spoiler tags, but i will just in case...

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if the bohrok were to clean off mata nui's "face", how come the toa mata fought them? didn't they know or no?


this is probably obvious but i am confused about it...

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I think this clears a lot more up than what Greg answered.


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Well, for one, it answers why the Av-Matoran are needed; Karda Nui must be the "generator that poweres Mata Nuis' systems/keeps the universe alive. If the Av-Matoran were killed, than Karda nui wouldn't be making energy, and the "Bad thing" would be that Mata Nui goes comatose and shuts down, except he's still alive, right?


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This also explains why the Matoran would die if Mata Nui died. If they're inside jim, when he dies, he basically rusts, or rots, or whatever away, and the same thing happenes to the universe.


AWESOME! Good work, Greg!

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Was Mata Nui esentially inside the planet when he was catatonic?

And if so, what will happen to the big hole he must have left behind?


Also, in the Pit, Karzahni confessed that he did not know anything about Mata Nui (until he was told of him, of course). But how did Karzahni get into Mata Nui without realising what he was doing?

Also, where did the matoran, karzahni and artakha live before they lived in mata nui?

One more question: As Mata Nui is being posessed by Teridax, does he actually know he has been awakened, or is his conciousness still sleeping?

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To answer a question on the 1st page. The planet must be at least as big, if not bigger, than Mata Nui, otherwise his feet would've stuck out when he was catatonic.


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What about the pit though? I wasnt in the Matoran Universe, and it was built prior to Mata Nui's awakening an landing on the planet. Something doesnt add up.
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:bigeek: :bigeek: THIS is the most unexpected twist in not only in BIONICLE, but in, well, anything I've seen. But something keeps bugging me.


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If the dome cities were situated as they were when Mata Nui stood up, wouldn't Metru Nui be, well sideways? Is there a system where the domes rotate so that they are always right side up, like a gyroscope?


Toa Phoenix

feels this is like a daytime soap opera :popcorn:

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Hey Greg, I looked at this and just had a few questions and hypothesis/theories:


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So Mata-Nuis the matoran universe. But based on the story, I came to a conclussion that the Matoran Universe is only an underground portion of BIOICLE Planet. Am I right?


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I also came, based on the video, upon two facts.


A) The Bohrok were living inside Mata-Nuis FACE!? Goodness.


B) The telescope was one of Mata-Nuis sight-seing parts, wasn't it? And Kini-Nui was his... mouth?


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When you say Mata-Nui IS the Matoran Universe, do you mean that Xia, Zakaz, Metru-Nui, Stelt, Artidax, Nynrah, and all are all INSIDE Mata-Nui? If so, then that would explain why Mata-Nui would die if the matoran ceased working. How would ou feel if your liver and stomach stopped working?


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This also explains THE KINGDOM. If Mata-Nui dies, he wouldn't be able o keep the universe running smoothly, but his face would still be there. In that same scenario, then the Great-Cataclysm was Mata-Nui hitting the sack. And now that I think about it... Metru-Nui is kinda in Mata-Nuis head?



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What about the pit though? I wasnt in the Matoran Universe, and it was built prior to Mata Nui's awakening an landing on the planet. Something doesnt add up.

It would stay where it is, and i expect be destroyed by a giant wave, though its depth may save it.


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If the dome cities were situated as they were when Mata Nui stood up, wouldn't Metru Nui be, well sideways? Is there a system where the domes rotate so that they are always right side up, like a gyroscope?

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Mata Nui has his own gravity, an object of that size would have quite strong gravity anyway, but he also has mechanisms to control it.
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Is his eyes green because Teridax is inside him? Strange....and now I know why there were not a lot of islands on the Endless Ocean...


-Mistika X

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Actually Teridax stole his form latter he has red eyes

(a bit stereotypical) that's when Teridax takes he's form

I saw it on a poster.

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