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Assorted School Bits

Tufi Piyufi


The computer I'm currently using is making some rather strange sounds. Not exactly healthy sounds, either. I'm hearing some raspiness and some fast-paced waspish humming and this thing is about two feet away from both torso and head. Monitor is aimed directly at my face, and I have my doubts about that component as well. Should either part blow, it's goodbye Jennifer. It'd freak out some Grade Eights, though, so it wouldn't be entirely pointless.


They marched us to the 'mainland' earlier this week for some assembly. We don't have such things down here. They have 'em up there. I haven't been to one in years. In any case, off I go to sit on a rather uncomfy wooden board. For an hour. An hour of 'you're Grade Twelves now, if you go to anything that doesn't have 'university' somewhere in the name you're scum and a failure (mostly implied, based on certain comments made), and Porfolio is dead but do it anyway because you're insane like that'. And a rather ironic choice of song in the band's mini-performance.


I've listened to 'One', right. Grade Seven, project on Broadway musicals, done simply because I could. I've read about it. I'll tell you something: that is not a song with which you promote individuality and a strong group identity all at once. That is a song sung by people who have worked their feet off (and worse) in audition and rehearsal and all that, only to wind up simply glorifying the lead actress and playing background to her in the musical the characters were auditioning for. It's actually a rather depressing song, if you listen to the lyrics. The performance itself was fine (just instrumentals), but when he tried to tack that on at the end... horrific.


And yeah, being made to try and recall assemblies I've never been to was awkward, too.


It was worth it when he made the most unfortunate comment ever, though. His intentions were all well and good: no tolerance for drugs, alcohol, all that stuff. Simply no fault to be found there. Delivery, however...


Oh, how lucky he was that we were no longer Grade Eights.


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If you're allowed to open, examine, and/or tweak your computers, you might want to check the CPU and fan and make sure everything's all right with them. I don't know how old your computer is, but the fan might not be able to keep up with all that heat-dissipating business going on.





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Neh, I get some ill noises from my computer from time to time, but I just kick it in the rear and shout "knock it off!" Not that I have any real advice for you...


BTW, I believe I am exactly the 2000th person to view your blog. (Your counter was at 1999 last I clicked.)


EDIT: Yup. Just turned over to 2000.

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Uhg. If any more school assemblies rear their tragicomic heads, Just Say No.


Oh, and have an awesome grad year and stuff. 'Cause that's important in its own little way. I was just about to tell you not to believe any BS your teachers try to sell you on, but then I realized that would be redundant: you're Tufi. Go get 'em, girl.



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If you're allowed to open, examine, and/or tweak your computers, you might want to check the CPU and fan and make sure everything's all right with them. I don't know how old your computer is, but the fan might not be able to keep up with all that heat-dissipating business going on.



Not so much an option. Besides, it's made these same sounds since I first came here in Grade Eight. I think we'll live. ;)


Uhg. If any more school assemblies rear their tragicomic heads, Just Say No.


Oh, and have an awesome grad year and stuff. 'Cause that's important in its own little way. I was just about to tell you not to believe any BS your teachers try to sell you on, but then I realized that would be redundant: you're Tufi. Go get 'em, girl.



If it wasn't for the fact all my stuff was locked up in the classroom, I'd have been mighty tempted to just quietly slip out into a bathroom, wait for a few minutes, then make a break for 'home.' Still, if they pull this stunt again... Hey, I've got friends in that class, right? And I don't carry all that much up... surely one or two could bring down the extra bits?


The year is already shaping up to be awesome. Luckily, I don't have to worry about the teacher BS; they're all composed of varying proportions of awesome and win. Those Grade Tens trying to get on the senior computers, however... They're just setting themselves up for some manner of humiliation. It shan't be too pretty.

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