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*Realizes Omis scam*

OMI FOR PRESIDENT IN 2012!!!!!!!!!

Seeing as that will be my first year that i will be able to vote, i would definately vote for you OMI!!!!!

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"Since 1928, Massachusetts has voted Democratic on all but four elections (which makes the ratio 3:4 Democrats). Whether you or I vote, odds are Obama will have the Mass citizens behind him."


That was Lara's reply to me saying i probably wont vote this year. I'll still be there after work though. I'd rather vote and be able to complain later, then not vote and have no say.

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That was Lara's reply to me saying i probably wont vote this year. I'll still be there after work though. I'd rather vote and be able to complain later, then not vote and have no say.

EXACTLY. Take a little time out of your life and vote, even if your state's virtually guaranteed to be blue or red, because A, then you get to complain if you don't like the outcome overall, and B, your vote helps decide whom those 50 electoral votes I talked about earlier go to.

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