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Not Voting



I choose not to vote.


Voting is not real. It is a laughable thing that the people who control this world present to the people to make them think THEY are choosing their leaders.


The world is more corrupt than it has ever been before and the reality that voting = choice is a thing of the past.


Hey, I want a better world. I want change. But that would come in the form of winding the hands on the clock of the government backwards... this of course will never be allowed to happen.


Don't take my word alone on this. No, YOU search this out for yourself. Words like "corruption", "fraud", "tampering" go great in search engine along with the word "voting".


Oh well, it was a nice world while it lasted.

It's all downhill from here.


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You may think the system doesn't work (I sorta agree), but you can't get jaded about it. Every voter counts, even if it may not seem so. Just because things may seem crooked, the entire world isn't moral-less, or entirely corrupt. Hope is a precious thing, and loosing it over something like this is a horrible thing to do. Please vote, if not for a candidate, for yourself. :)


-Nuju Metru

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Well, I don't know what he's referring to, but he could be right.

I mean, with the electoral college system, a vote for, say, McCain in California is essentially a throwaway vote.


If he's talking about something like 1984 I'm afraid I disagree.

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It's obviously your choice whether or not to vote and I respect that. It's just that each time I see something like this, I remember all the people in the world who crave the chance that we have to vote. And all those who gave their lives for us to vote and we throw it away as if it means nothing.


Voting means something. It changes worlds and futures. Just think, if a small percentage of people changed their vote the world would be different. Voting is there for a reason.


If I could vote I would because I realize that if you want to change the world, then you get out and DO instead of lament the shortcomings of an imperfect society.


One man with courage makes a majority- Andrew Jackson

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If I could vote I would because I realize that if you want to change the world, then you get out and DO instead of lament the shortcomings of an imperfect society.


PROBLEM: Voting is not (any longer) the act of "doing something". It is an act that makes evil men chuckle at you.


1984 was not too crazy. We've lost a bunch of rights over the past few short years.

And the plans on the table are dark indeed.


Just ask people in Texas who tried to stop the super-highway. The newspapers there were of course in their favor... until a mystery donor helped an Australian company BUY up every paper... this of course led to the editorials then being in FAVOR of the super-highway and calling the opponents to it extremist kooks..I could go on, but we'd all be baking in political sauce.


Just do your own searches. It's all out there. You should find yourself realizing what's really happening at this strange moment of our history.

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Unorthodox at least, certainly.


But no, no sarcasm and all the seriousness I'm allowed to express on this site.


Spend just one night on search engines. You, if you're even half clever, will understand.

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I've spent several, looking up stuff on the Iraq War. I can't speak for what you found, but most of what I found was just opinion. It was clear that very few people out there know what they're talking about. <_<

But I guess what you found was different. :shrugs:

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If I could vote I would because I realize that if you want to change the world, then you get out and DO instead of lament the shortcomings of an imperfect society.


PROBLEM: Voting is not (any longer) the act of "doing something". It is an act that makes evil men chuckle at you.


1984 was not too crazy. We've lost a bunch of rights over the past few short years.

And the plans on the table are dark indeed.


Just ask people in Texas who tried to stop the super-highway. The newspapers there were of course in their favor... until a mystery donor helped an Australian company BUY up every paper... this of course led to the editorials then being in FAVOR of the super-highway and calling the opponents to it extremist kooks..I could go on, but we'd all be baking in political sauce.


Just do your own searches. It's all out there. You should find yourself realizing what's really happening at this strange moment of our history.

Why do all politicians have to be corrupt? Give me an instance in history when the voting of the American people did not change their country (for better or worse). When did it stop being an act of doing? I see no evidence of that.


I'm not going any farther into political debate. I don't want to break any rules lol.

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Oh, there's a world full of stuff to look up other than the "war".

Some fun video searches:

"law sea treaty"

"fight order compliance"

"chemtrail barium"

"fluoride deception"


Don't be discussing these things here, just go nuts searching it for yourself.

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If you feel your vote can't change anything, why not vote anyway? It either doesn't change something and you were right, or it does change something for the better. Win/win situation, no?
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Guest The Captain


Oh, the magic of Google. What would be do without you, O giver of absolutely undisputed knowledge? Only Wikipedia stands above you in its greatness. :rolleyes:
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Wow, you know, you guys have gotten into quite the political discussion. Last I checked discussions of this nature, tend to get locked.


And guess what?


Entry Locked.



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If you feel your vote can't change anything, why not vote anyway? It either doesn't change something and you were right, or it does change something for the better. Win/win situation, no?

No. Not voting is a vote of sorts as well. If someone asks you (dead seriously) to vote for getting knifed in the chest or poisoned, the correct third vote would be to cave a part of their anatomy in with your foot and getting the heck out of there.


By voting, you're doing nothing more than adding a number to the overall "people who voted" statistics.

In doing so, you contribute to the idea that it's "right" to vote.

Should enough people catch on, resulting in an EXTREMELY low voter turnout, then other people may ask "why", and go searching for that answer.


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Jinzo, the entry was locked for political discussion. When an entry is locked we DON'T continue said discussion.


I suggest you keep it locked.



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I didn't unlock it, but I did just to say this right now.

Either you happened to hit "enter" just as I was, or maybe when a window for making a reply is open, it doesn't matter if the topic is locked, as submitting it still goes in?


Seriously, I didn't unlock it. I do recall that it was listed as "locked" when my reply went in and it brought me back here.

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