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The Chan Is Having A Good Day



Well, where to begin? The Chan got to sleep in late, then went with mother to the voting polls which could have been a nightmarish expierience except for the fact that he brought his book along and they happened to park next to a car covered in bumper stickers like "Smile, the goverment is watching" and "I love children- they are delicious" .


Ka then went to get his hair cut where he nearly fainted in the middle of said haircut because House was on the TV and they were playing Monoply using some dude's brain. But Ka's haircutter was good guy and helped Ka feel all better with quick thinking involving moist towlets and by changing the channel. Ka tipped the good man well.


Ka then happily waltzed next door to the local Rogue Trader, and much to his delight found they were on their last day of the "Great Pumpkin" sale and all Warhammer stuff was 10% off. After an hour or so of hanging out and talking with the staffies, he went with some Tau Stealthsuits, a Pariah, some funny buttons with stuff like "Self Sacrifice is a virtue- in other people" on them, some modeling magnets, dirt-tone ink, green stuff, a green stuff sculpting tool, and this card binder with a pretty anime chick on it that reminded him of his girlfriend's anime persona- Ka used the excuse that he could print out his Warhammer unit stats and put them in it for easy reference. He bought it all for under 40$ . He did his mathmatical calculating well because of the math percentage lessons still fresh in his brain from homeschooling.


Ka then went back home happily and observed the pretty orange/red trees contrast against the grey, rainy sky.


Ka scythed through remaining schoolwork.


Ka found Dead Space in between dad's coffee bags after having the game taken from him for scaring little Xar with it.


Ka snagged the Radoll Check achievement in Dead Space while continuing to perform stunningly on Impossible mode while only using the plasma cutter through the entire game. Ka also had an epic moment where he fought off 5 jerkwad Leaper Necromorphs with no ammo, nearly getting killed before making a daring escape *while only having like, no visible health left in the health bar*to a store where he resupplied and returned to deal swift punishment to his sole surviving tormenter.


Ka is almost having as much of a wonderful time as Gman.


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Didn't you tell your mom that you wouldn't play it in front of him...?





I have a test every day for this week. Gimme yer luck.

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Didn't you tell your mom that you wouldn't play it in front of him...?





I have a test every day for this week. Gimme yer luck.






Uh. Yeah, I did. Hence why it was hidden from me in the coffee cabinet.


And okie dokie kiitykettan,

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Didn't you tell your mom that you wouldn't play it in front of him...?





I have a test every day for this week. Gimme yer luck.






Uh. Yeah, I did. Hence why it was hidden from me in the coffee cabinet.


And okie dokie kiitykettan,

thats a really stupid hiding place lol

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