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Challenge Day





Best school day I've had in a while, if not ever.


The basic format is you get there and do a bunch of weird games and stuff to just loosen up, then you get into groups and tell people that "If you really knew me, ____" and there is much crying. Then you do the thing where they call out something that may have happened and you walk across a line, and there is much crying too. Then there's more game type things and it ends on a happier note.


No, I didn't cry. Was like the only one not to. >.>;


Also I got to hug a girl I kinda like.








So yeah if you ever get an opportunity to do it, do it.


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We've done something like this at Youth Group; it was surprisingly fun. =3 That and I got closer to some of ma buddies, and one really awesome guy. X3

So yeah, do it.

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If you notice, I deleted most of the comments here.


This is because they were really commenting on another comment that missed the point entirely. The day was learn about what some people may go through not to "chill and eat donuts".

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I had one of those last year. At the end, about 25 girls decided to hug me, several of them I had no clue who they were.


Was there some guy there that sounded kinda like Carlos Mencia?





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you've killed it

i second this notion


We got the point, we just happened to be high on sugar or something at the same time.


Anyway, I don't fully understand what you did.


Could someone explain?

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