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On The Aqua Blaster Blade



When I first began to see the entries for the Aqua Blaster Blade contest, I was very concerned. Many were cluttered, lacking stylistic consistency between their parts. Many used too many non-BIONICLE components such as Technic beams, rendering them awkward as Toa tools. Many were enormous and unwieldy, which makes it perfectly clear that at least half of the entrants must have seen this as a second chance after losing the Xian Weapons contest, completely ignoring the purpose of the contest to give Toa Mahri Nuparu a decent new tool.


For this reason, I was strongly in support of my own entry, which I specifically designed to defy these flaws, as well as to use tools that did not explicitly feel like “someone else’s.” And I lost, and I was afraid to look back at the contest lest I see a poor MOC make it further than my entry.


Today I worked up the nerve to look at the winning entry on BS01’s article for the Aqua Blaster Blade. I half-expected a ridiculously large conglomeration of beams with maybe some BIONICLE tools pasted on. I was proven oh-so-wrong.


The winner of the contest is magnificent. It exhibits some degree of stylistic consistency with the quadrilateral patterns of Nuparu’s armor, mask, and shield. It flows together, acting as a single weapon even if made of numerous parts. It is a decent size and shape, fitting the criteria for a Toa tool, particularly the Aqua Blaster Blade. And most of all, it does not seem like some other tool for some other Toa, proving itself distinct from the tools of Toa Mahri Hewkii and Onua Nuva Mistika, whose parts it utilizes.


My confidence in the judgement of the populace of BZPower and BS01 has been reaffirmed. I apologize for not being steadfast in this confidence, and I congratulate the builder of this tool and all who voted for it for their impeccable judgement.


With all due respect,

:vahi: Aanchir: Rachira of Time



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Guest kopakanuva13


Hmm, I honestly didn't like the winning ABB all that much... It looked more like a shield than a blade, in my opinion...


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I should point out the members of BZP and BS01 aren't really fools. They do know what looks good and what doesn't.


Terakk made a nice simple design, and won for it. Now personally, if I -were- running the contest (I wasn't sadly), I'd make sure to include the rule of more Bionicle and less Technic/System, but we can't totally limit either from Bionicle, since they both spilled in somewhere along the line. I'd also make sure to mention it be blade-shaped. This is, of course, not to say Terakk's design is bad - it rocks - but it could have been improved, yes.


Anyway, I'm glad you feel reaffirmed in BS01's and BZP's members. Maybe now you can edit my Wiki more often? XD -Swert

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I should point out the members of BZP and BS01 aren't really fools. They do know what looks good and what doesn't.


Terakk made a nice simple design, and won for it. Now personally, if I -were- running the contest (I wasn't sadly), I'd make sure to include the rule of more Bionicle and less Technic/System, but we can't totally limit either from Bionicle, since they both spilled in somewhere along the line. I'd also make sure to mention it be blade-shaped. This is, of course, not to say Terakk's design is bad - it rocks - but it could have been improved, yes.


Anyway, I'm glad you feel reaffirmed in BS01's and BZP's members. Maybe now you can edit my Wiki more often? XD -Swert

I don't consider the members of BZP and BS01 to be fools. However, what I saw included a great number of entries that did not at all look suited to the contest, IMO. If so many entrants were willing to ignore the purpose the winning entry would serve, then I had reason to fear that voters in the contest might feel the same. I'm so glad I was proven wrong.


I agree making a rule about BIONICLE/Technic/System ratios would be awkward and counterproductive. After all, most good entries had a backbone of simple Technic parts behind the BIONICLE parts that gave the tool its style. Number of parts would not be an ideal criterion: A few large Technic beams with six to eight puny Gali hooks might then be allowed, even if an entry like the winning entry with three BIONICLE parts concealing a Technic structure might fail to qualify. Anyway, I'd say the success of this contest demonstrated that no such rules are necessary, and that the general voting populace will recognize what best fulfills the contest requirements.


Meanwhile, Terakk's seemed just how I felt an "Aqua Blaster Blade" should be. Not a sword; not a gun, but something in between and yet completely seperate from both. My own entry, for instance, had a sort of axe-shaped blade on a more spear-shaped weapon, with a laser wedged between the two sides of the axeblade. Other entries I saw featured blades in a "claw" formation, similar to Zaktan's weapon. The word "blade" does not denote a shape, but rather an attribute (sharpness) and a function (cutting, generally as a weapon in this case). Terakk's weapon seemed suitable to meet both requirements.


And yeah, I just realized yesterday that the Wiki was back up after that downtime! Not that I'd missed it for long after the downtime ended, but it was inconvenient that the site was inactive right when I was ready to end my own much longer period of inactivity. Not that the site has any blame there-- it was merely a coincidence with some fault on my part for being inactive in the first place. :P So I'll see what more I can contribute.


- :vahi: Aanchir

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